Posted on March 30, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is a month of getting your ducks in a row, Pisces, with consideration, as you do so, of standards and values that depend on deep internal process that is going on within you. Mercury retrogrades all month long in your resources sector, where the dramatic solar eclipse and New Moon of April 8th also takes place, and you may find yourself reviewing and revising your values as you navigate its twists and turns. In addition to the mechanical breakdowns and mis-communications of this time period, lasting to the 25th, when Mercury stations direct, and then for two and a half weeks beyond that as Mercury recovers, there is also the process of inward looking and reassessment of what you most deeply believe and where you are heading, nowadays, with your life direction. As you continue to deal with issues of identity and evolutionary self-development, your communication is another focus, partaking of departure from stultified norms, a way of breaking out. Intuitive information is available to you now when you can listen deeply to what is emerging from your inner process. The Scorpio Full Moon of the 23rd features transformational Pluto, operating in your sector of unconscious process, and in this timing your deep inner knowing will become even more important.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
The April month begins as you complete the lunation cycle that began with last month’s Pisces New Moon that was a significant one, having signaled a fresh cycle for your well-being, your health and your general outlook on life. This energy is still bringing momentum during the first week of April that can help you define not only your goals but also what you want to initiate or change in your life right now. With the current Mercury Retrograde also in operation, this month could also bring a need to clarify your financial goals by taking stock of what you actually have to work with at this time.
On April 1st the tricky transit begins of Mercury Retrograde in Aries for the entire month, when you take Mercury’s retrograde shadow into account. This may be a call to adjust your direction and your desires over the coming weeks before going full throttle next mid-May after the retrograde shadow has passed. This could be easier said than done of course, and yet it is good to know what is required.
On April 2nd and 3rd, Venus meets Neptune in your sign which colors this first week of the month with a subtly diplomatic and aesthetically-oriented influence that might bring relationship with trusted partners further into the picture of what you are up to. It could also be a little hard at times to distinguish reality from fiction. Venus enters Aries late on the 4th bringing up your resources, including financial ones, which could benefit.
On April 8th, the Aries solar eclipse and New Moon in Aries takes place in this same resources sector, so that your focus becomes very much about resources and values, or ultimately your entire relationship to the material. The New Moon also closely conjuncts Chiron, the Wounded Healer archetype, and this indicates that inner wounding could come up in connection with issues of self-worth, confidence, and your finances. You are making important realizations from an introspective standpoint around what you value and what is important to you. This eclipse could also relate to a strong desire towards financial sustainability and whether you are in a realistic relationship with current resources. Reviewing the books might be an appropriate task at this time, that could help you understand exactly what you have to work with; meanwhile, though, the conjunction with Chiron could also bring up frustrations surrounding your lack of autonomy or your dependency on others. There are quite a few planets currently transiting in Aries so that these issues are very much on your mind.
Mars in your sign rules the solar eclipse and forms a conjunction with Saturn in the eclipse configuration, emphasizing the profundity and the slow process of getting to the root of an underlying issue. Being patient and compassionate towards yourself at this time could ensure that you do not skip any step towards a more coherent version of yourself and your desires for full agency in your life. Saturn transits in Pisces until 2025 so that there will be plenty of time ahead to help you align more seriously with what you want and how you can make that happen. There is a focus now on what can bring you concrete long term results as opposed to short term or ephemeral pleasures.
On April 11th, Mercury in Aries reaches the Sun which signals the halfway point of its retrograde and one peak moment of the cycle. There could be momentary clarity mid-day on the 11th, and in general could bring back something that began in March. The Mercury Retrograde continues until the station to direct motion on the 25th, and Mercury will finally escape its retrograde shadow on May 13th. Although you are therefore far from being out of the woods, you could see things with a different perspective as you progress through the month.
The Sun enters Taurus on April 19th bringing your communicative outreach further to the fore. There could be deep subject matter and also positive alignments coming up for you that you will be able to better articulate to trusted friends.
From April 17th to the 23rd, exact on the 20th, Jupiter meets Uranus in Taurus which has the potential to bring positive news or an upgrade that facilitates your work. This may relate to an idea you have been investing energy into for quite some time although you may only now start to witness tangible results. The help of close friends or siblings may be an important factor at this time and things could be moving rather rapidly in the second half of April.
The Full Moon in Scorpio arrives on April 23rd illuminating philosophical and spiritual frameworks. Your outlook may have been changing rather dramatically since the beginning of the year due to a combination of experiences that are also changing the way you want to be in the world. Beliefs and conceptual framework that you’ve held onto for a longtime could be obsolete and no longer work for you. It’s a good moment to take stock of your views about the world and reality and how much these have changed in the past few years.
Mercury in Aries turns direct on April 25th and you could slowly begin to have a more solid understanding of what resources are available at this time and where you want to invest your energies. The retrograde shadow lasts about 18 days further, into mid-May.
In the month’s final days, as Mars meets Neptune, your ruler, in your sign, you will feel the activation. You are beginning to get to a better place over the next two weeks when you will be better placed to make more lasting decisions, especially with Mars entering Aries on April 30th.