Cancer Horoscope for March 2024

Posted on March 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another month of transformation and change, Cancer, built around the deepest part of yourself and the way that you reach out from this place within you toward like others. As much as you are currently very much out in the world, you are coming from a strong sense of intimate connection that ultimately stems from your own internal understanding of deep process within you. The work that you perform and your attitude toward it is however undeniably shifting with the tides. The recent Aquarius lineup, which included the entrance of Pluto there, corresponds to your sector of intimate contact and personal metamorphosis, which continues to be very alive for you heading into this March cycle. As the month gets going, the Pisces New Moon of the 10th represents a powerful juncture indicating a fresh start in worldview and beliefs in response to momentous internal changes that you are slowly caching up to. There is almost too much choice in the way that your circle keeps expanding with new opportunities for societal contribution; you could feel this strongly during the month’s second half. This is a month for making your mark in a new and more integrated way as you respond to all that is going on inside of yourself, and for carrying that with you into outer world activity.

The following was written by our guest columnist Issa Hammond. You can write them at

March begins in the wake of the Aquarius New Moon in your sector of resources, contracts, and depth connection from February 9th, and which featured Uranus in Taurus, corresponding to your social sector, bringing inspiration and shakeups to this area of your life of friends and allies, networks, and your goals. You are on a path of self-improvement that takes key others into account as well as yourself.

You enter March with the Sun now in Pisces and in its joy of ninth house placement, representing higher mind, conjoined with both Saturn and Mercury indicating dharmic spiritual knowledge or realized intellectual skill through religion, a spiritual path, education, or travel. This skill and purpose help to nurture your gifts of support, as the triple conjunction is in a superior sextile to Jupiter in Taurus in its joy in your sector of networking and goals. With Mars and Venus recently joining in Aquarius in your eighth sector of intimacy and depth work, under the influence of Pluto in Aquarius, you may be entering a new phase of a contract or partnership, pooling resources with others, feeling into the way that you belong to a group, navigating social connections, or receiving help from allies.

From March 8th to 10th, Mars in Aquarius applies superior square Uranus in Taurus while the Sun in Pisces applies in superior sextile Uranus in Taurus suggesting surprise events or unexpected enlightenment that could alter your beliefs and worldview. These aspects suggest attempting action you might have once feared regarding your spiritual wisdom, earthly gifts, emotional depths and loving friendships. By working through your fears, collaborating in or taking on unique contracts, and taking systemic action you can loosen up, although you may not feel totally relaxed.

The Pisces New Moon of March 10th , taking place at 1am PST, continues these same themes and adds a fresh start in matters of higher mind perception, or possibilities in education and travel. This New Moon also features a sextile between Pluto in Aquarius and Mercury in Aries, bringing transformation to areas of your life such as contracts, personal evolution and career. You may be speaking up, publicly trying a new skill, revealing a competing point of view, or having a spiritual awakening. Neptune in Pisces copresence with Mercury in Pisces suggests themes of idealism, creativity, and perspective. You may find others are lovingly engaged with your communication, even if asserting yourself feels uncomfortable, loss inducing or consequential. You may have to plumb the depths of dark waters, real fears, perhaps fears of not fitting or relying on another.

On March 11th, Venus enters Pisces in an honored position, quintile to Jupiter. During this day, you may receive extra nurturing that enriches your soul. If you go looking for this feeling of connection to the universe, you might find it. You could notice the infinite love of the universe and alignment with your own wisdom. You could enter sacred spaces, experience spiritual alignment with women or a culture, embrace a new topic of interest, or a spiritual role.

From March 16th to 17th, the Sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces while your chart ruler, the Moon, rests in her home of Cancer, at the helm of your ship. Your fortune, your emotions, your routines and your interiority align with your purpose, and nature, as a wise and divine soul. You are feeling into the good. And the fact is that when you are operating from the good it perpetuates your ability to sail skillfully from the heart. Versions of yourself that may have once seemed weak may actually be your strength and deserve support as well as space to exist in all their receptivity. You might reflect on some of these themes and your path forward during the Equinox on March 19th.

From March 18th to 19th , Mercury in Aries, or your career sector, conjoins the North Node in Aries copresent Chiron in Aries and then conjuncts Chiron from the 19th to the 20th. This is a prescription for greater consciousness concerning inner wounding, and so might lead to illumination regarding internal debates with yourself that could have been holding you back from more consistent life achievement. This also may feel like recognizing a hunger that perpetuates earthly results with no substantive gain.

The Spring Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere) happens as the Sun enters Aries on the evening of March 19th, allowing an inferior sextile to Pluto in Aquarius that lasts until the 21st. This is an important configuration for cardinal signs such as your own. Career and the accolades of public life are at this moment colored with idealism and a tinge of uncertainty, while the Mercury-Chiron conjunction in this same tenth sector, as represented for you by the Aries sign, brings up an undertow of unconscious process that could be ultimately rewarding. This is an excellent time to pay attention to everything that is going on, both within you and outside of yourself, and attempt to merely witness what comes up without assigning triumph or blame.

From March 20th to the 21st, Venus in Pisces moves into a conjunction with Saturn there. Here, the Sun is in the fall of Saturn and Pluto is in the rulership of Saturn. Transforming, delegating, and working with fear or anxiety, the finances of others, and accepting new types of contracts could feel tense to your ego, independence or public image. This tension is ultimately fruitful to the flow between your inward and outward existence.

On March 22nd, Mars enters Pisces, or your ninth sector of higher mind, creating a connection between your work in the world and the themes of education, travel, or spirituality. You may be enjoying an adventure or topic of study that turns into practical results in the outer world. With Venus in Pisces applying sextile to Jupiter in Taurus in mutual reception, your knowledge, experience, and healing talents are not only gifts to yourself but to others. There exists a community, a path, a societal treasure trove, a true love, real or metaphoric, who feeds your soul and makes you a better humanitarian.

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra takes place on March 25th at 12am PDT across your sectors of career and home, and may illuminate themes of work and life balance, public and private, outer and inner perception. This timing could motivate you to find solace or acquire wisdom in the creativity, justice and balance of your home, roots, or a mystical practice. This eclipse is a powerful lunation where the effects last for six months, may highlight the material gain of aggression and competition that challenges your unique needs and relationships.

From the 26th to the 28th, Venus in Pisces makes a superior sextile to Uranus in Taurus suggesting that you are currently tapping in to an inner resource that can heal community, ease shock, and harmonize fear and revolution through your wealth of experience, love, curiosity, and true care. Surprises could abound, along with a species of delightful shocks that might elicit startling ripples from your core, if you can find your way to accept and revel in what is coming up for you.