Aries Horoscope for March 2024

Posted on March 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

The March month is always special for you, Aries, and this time around holds a particularly strong transformational import. Your societal impact, along with the friendships and groups that you favor, is definitely undergoing a sea change, perhaps one that allows for greater compassion and an opening for certain elements of your own internal unconscious process to enter into your heart space. The intensity of these next four weeks might leave you spinning, as choices multiply and your involvement deepens, although an underlying spiritual mandate, once accepted and more fully understood, can ease the burden of responsibility as you learn to let go and let god, as it were. The March 10th Pisces New Moon accentuates this progress. You find that fluctuations in finance are less of an actual issue and more symbolic; perhaps related to your changing attitude toward the material world itself. The Spring Equinox, the entrance of the Sun into your sign, has a powerful message of coming into yourself in a new way that is more integrated and therefore bears better the brunt of the storm. Relationships are moving along with you and novel circumstances dawn and develop.

The following was written by our guest columnist Issa Hammond. You can write them at

March begins in the midst of the previous Aquarius lunation cycle from last month in your sector of goals and allies. The Aquarius New Moon also featured Uranus in Taurus, bringing surprise events, shakeups, and unexpected enlightenment to areas of your life such as your resources, values, and finances. You may be diversifying support, meeting unusual friends or integrating technology for greater assistance. You may be asserting yourself socially. There is an ongoing fresh understanding of your role in friendships that you have or groups that you favor; and the way that you see yourself as participating in the social swim is changing in unexpected ways.

As Mercury conjoins Neptune in Pisces from March 7th to the 8th, there is a numinous and poetic quality to your thought. You may also find that you are caught up in an illusion, or participating in self-deception, or actual deception practiced upon you by another. You could align creatively or spiritually with the unknown or the unseen. You be comfortable in silence and self-knowing.

From March 8th to the 10th, Mars, your ruler, in Aquarius applies to square Uranus in Taurus, with the Sun in sextile. This is a strong aspect and brings the unusual and the unexpected into view, just in advance of the coming New Moon.

On March 10th at 1am PST, the Pisces New Moon lands in your sector of dream imagination, unconscious process, and inner work, making hidden areas of your psyche more accessible to you if you can partly suspend normal functioning to dig down to them. This New Moon also features a sextile between Mercury in Aries and, Pluto in Aquarius, so that personal transformation is once again emphasized, especially in areas of communication, learning, and your habitual patterns. Over the next thirty days of this lunation cycle, there may be unexpected fluctuations in finances, or new opportunities to earn money, or perhaps a restructuring of your alliances that in turn affects the way you see the world around you. You could be contemplating group action, or the role of your unique gifts and their practical application in your social setting. You may be better understanding and applying your values and spiritual knowledge. You could be looking into ongoing habit patterns that allow for transformation and improvement.

As Venus enters Pisces on March 11th, you could feel some sense of relief with a difficult position you may be in. A healing remedy, a presentation of wise values, enlightenment, or a generous spirit from within. A sense if goodness seems to emanate from key partners in your life and in concert with your own inner depths and you do well to take advantage of this moment and strive to open your heart and your mind to these arrivals.

Then on March 16th as the Sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces, in the timing of the First Quarter Moon in late Gemini, in the midst of a degree of tension, a self-alignment is indicated. Enlightenment, experiential wisdom, and a new purpose are all possibilities. You may be surrendering to receptivity and seeing the big picture above the trees.

On the late evening of March 19th to 23rd the Sun enters your sign to mark the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun applies inferior sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, and you may notice transformation coming down. the personal influence of technology or a group, or uncertainty because of changing support or ability. You may be noticing dynamics of the individual and the group thereby making a shift to focus more on yourself.

As Venus in Pisces conjoins Saturn in Pisces in your sector of unconscious process on March 21th, an you may be healing limitations, boundaries and come to greater awareness. You may judge the worthiness of a system or rule, discover a joy for learning and deeper self-acceptance. You may experience fated healing, love and wealth.

Mars enters Pisces on March 22nd and you may notice progress in your sector of inner work. You may find yourself examining beliefs and spiritual practices, examining the depths of your psyche, or finding your way after being lost. You may act with more discernment, care, or nobility. Your intuition may be much more active. You may have additional stress.

On March 25th at 12am PDT, the Full Moon eclipse transpires in Libra copresent Makemake in your relationship sector. This may illuminate themes of partnership and of the contrast and amalgam of self and other. You may be considering topics of justice, creative balance, leadership style and the role of experience in how you do partnership connection. Venus in Pisces applies sextile Jupiter in Taurus, and they are in an exchange of mutual reception, indicating positive vibrations of love connection and optimism for the future. Over the next six month, as eclipses are said to last, there could be help with systemics, health, or imagination. There may be an increase in your resources or the presentation of a resourceful path.

As you round out March, Venus in Pisces applies sextile Uranus in Taurus from the 26th to 28th. Beware of sudden relationship turnings, that could however be for the better or preparing yourself for better things! This could also be a good time to seek advice of a mentor, a guardian or an advocate. You may find yourself empowered for healing!