Capricorn Horoscope for November 2023

Posted on October 31, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month, Capricorn, about an approach to career and vocation that succeeds in a different way than you might suppose, striking sparks against darker material from within. You are in some ways facing a loss of faith that leads you to a new stage in your spiritual evolution and a new faith in yourself that is not easy to come by, although necessary. There is curiosity and learning in this and intense communication that touches the deepest layers within you. If you encounter inner wounding on this journey it might be rewarding for you to delve more thoroughly into what you can find there, leading to healing and to a more integrated sense of yourself. The November 5th weekend is powerful in its uncertainty, something of a crisis in consciousness. Many brave new ideas are circulating though you and some will land. You could find that this is where the rubber meets the road of a new way forward for yourself. The November 13th Scorpio New Moon a week later shows you an exit and a new doorway forward and speaks to the fact that ideas have merit only when they are actualized in terms of soulful manifestation.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

This month arrives in the midst of a Libra lunation cycle initiated by the New Moon eclipse from mid-October in your sphere of career, public image, and outer world ambitions. The progression of this lunation cycle continues over the first half of the current month, allowing you to see more deeply into your creative process, which has been going a little wild lately, and also the alignment between your deep principles and moral code on the one hand and your plans and goals on the other.

A Full Moon in Taurus in the final days of October also has illuminated matters related to your self-expression, life enjoyment, and children. As both lunations last month were eclipses, they also relate to longer processes of flux that can take six months to play out. Their combined influence, along with the strong presence of Pluto in sign, may arrive with heightened feelings or uncertainty as you navigate transitional periods within these areas of your life.

November also arrives with an extended influence across your axis of community and creativity via an opposition from the Sun in Scorpio, or your social sector, to Jupiter in Taurus representing your creativity. Your focus is also extended by Mercury's opposition to Uranus in Taurus from the 3rd to the 4th. These transits could align with unexpected news or conversations regarding changes within romantic or social connections, children, or artistic projects that may alter your life goals. Creative rejuvenation or progress could emerge through collaboration or sharing your inspiration and ideas with others.

From the beginning of the month to the 4th, a concurrent opposition adds to this story from Venus in Virgo – or your sector of higher mind and life philosophies – to Neptune in Pisces – your third house of communication and local environment. Virgo, for you, also governs, foreign lands, and education. This could symbolize increased involvement or friction within a friendship or community related to the evolution of your larger values systems or worldview. It may simply be that you no longer enjoy the same activities as you once did or that empathy motivates activism through community service.

Your planetary ruler Saturn moving direct in Pisces on the 4th, combined with the influence of Venus in cerebral Virgo, suggests psychological and spiritual healing or maturation could emerge through learning and expanding your perspective. As oppositions are often projected outward and experienced through your relationships with others and the world, you have the opportunity to deeply consider or reorient your participation within such dynamics, including the way you engage in disagreements, consume information and social media, and use your voice.

Venus brings blessings to your professional realms when the planet ingresses its home sign of Libra on the 8th. As the current lunar cycle wanes, Venus' trine to Pluto in Capricorn on departure from Virgo points to the influence of ongoing personal metamorphosis on topics seeded at the Libra New Moon. Perhaps you are reconsidering the values informing your ambitions or public image, or personal growth or skill development is yielding benefits in your work environment.

Mercury's entrance into Sagittarius on the 9th announces an emerging focus on your subconscious and spiritual realms. Mercury's entry is also characterized by a sextile to Pluto from before the ingress, which gives way to a square to Saturn in Pisces over the 9th and 10th. This combination of transits links shifts in your identity sector or your resources to subconscious process that deserves further exploration. Your dreams might tell you more about what is up with you right now. While the early days of Mercury's entrance into Sagittarius could arrive with a more serious or future-oriented tone to conversations or private contemplation, the ingress in general will likely uplift your inner landscape and sense of self-knowledge. This goal may perhaps be gained through solitude, inner reflection, and sitting with ideas to let them evolve or integrate slowly.

The Scorpio New Moon arrives on the 13th, and features a potent triple conjunction of the Sun and Moon with Mars. All three celestial bodies oppose Uranus in Taurus presenting a highly-charged beginning of a new cycle in your sphere of community, friendship, and long-term goals. This lunation supports social rejuvenation and also may inflame discord or hit you with sudden events and realizations. if you have been tip-toeing around an issue you feel strongly about, this timing might push you to be abruptly more direct. Having the courage to go your own way and to stand for what you believe in can be quite powerful… allowing you to unleash creative potency and make room for connections that offer depth over drama and allies to support your ambitions. These transits could stimulate reactivity; and you can in this case also lean into the wisdom of Saturn in your house of communication, offering up gifts of discernment about what must actually be said and when it might be best to be silent.

From the 21st to the 22nd, an opposition from Venus in Libra to Chiron in Aries may activate inner wounding around belonging and security stemming from early childhood trauma, along with the opportunity to work at healing such issues. This could relate to an interaction with a colleague or inhabiting a professional role versus more private needs. While potentially painful, what is coming up for you will aid in self-understanding and resource you to help and connect to others with depth and compassion.

The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd, closely followed by Mars on the 24th. Both planets meet Saturn by square as they make their entrance, again connecting your sphere of the mind and local environment with your subconscious and spiritual realms. Perhaps a less social phase emerges as you devote energy and time to mastering new skills or studies. Saturn's presence in this sphere of your chart can align with periods of melancholia or depression; however, these transits offer the gift of sustained commitment to what inspires you.

The Gemini Full Moon on the 27th illuminates the importance of your daily work, habits, and health within the lunar cycle initiated at the Scorpio New Moon. Squares from Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius to Neptune and Saturn in Pisces, respectively, point to the psychological and energetic effects of your inner monologue and what you feed your mind regularly, which influence your health and daily productivity. This lunation may help you acknowledge and release outdated patterns of thought and behavior by inflaming inner conflict, isolation, or habituated coping mechanisms. The Full Moon is a natural time of release, so that engaging with more complicated parts of yourself and your fears supports this cleansing cycle. Speaking with a wise confidante may offer a helpful perspective. Committing to ongoing mental and spiritual development is another way that you can energize your sense of purpose, support your health, and open space within you for more kinship and authentic relationship with others.