Sagittarius Horoscope for November 2023

Posted on October 31, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month with a tricky premise for you, Sagittarius, that you take your interior experience seriously. Your conscious mind is only part of the story – and on some level you already know that; what’s difficult is putting it into practice. That is to say, putting reliance on your moral strength and unique inner purpose and committing to nothing but that. The recent solar eclipse in your sector of social contribution has set the stage for great things to begin to happen with what you bring to the table that benefits the world around you. Friendships and group affiliations are also favored. There will be surprise events and unexpected revelations that arise from these, and that give you a glimpse of illumination regarding your true life purpose. You might find yourself wondering how close you can come to identifying the reason that you came into this particular incarnation. The first weekend of the month could feel like there is a significant shift brewing within your worldview. With the mid-November New Moon of Monday, November 13th, taking place in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, you have another ideal opportunity to get to know your own interior process more fully.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

The month begins in the wake of a significant process set off at the Libra New Moon eclipse cycle from the middle of last month. Taking place on October 14th, this extra-powerful New Moon initiated in your sector of friends, community, and long-term goals, and continues to evolve over the first half of this current month. With Uranus emphasized there have been unexpected realizations, perhaps having to do with what you are beginning to view as your purpose, your life mission, and also you are seeing how you can incorporate inner understandings and intuitional realizations into your creative performance. When you do, you might also need to be aware of inner wounding that could come up, hopefully for a try at healing and moving past these types of issues.

This recent New Moon was also an eclipse, as was also the Taurus Full Moon and lunar eclipse from four days back – in your sphere of daily work, habits, and health. You enter November amid the commingling tides of the future and your childhood past. Because eclipses can develop over the next six months, these lunations relate to important transitions in your life that will take place into the spring season.

From the 1st to the 3rd, an opposition from the Sun in Scorpio to your planetary ruler, Jupiter, in Taurus, places considerable stress as you enter the month across your axis of the subconscious and that of your daily responsibilities and health. This transit signifies that cultivating inner spiritual, emotional, and mental health is intimately bound to your physical wellbeing and daily productivity.

Mercury's opposition to Uranus in Taurus over the 3rd and 4th also suggests acknowledging an inner truth you may have been avoiding or less conscious of. This could help you shift outdated patterns of thought and behavior. Perhaps rapid shifts in your daily life, health, or responsibilities now arrive with an emerging sense of purpose or excitement about the future.

From the beginning of the month until the 4th, an opposition from Venus in Virgo to Neptune in Pisces encourages themes emerging from your Pisces sector of home and family. With Venus in your career house, this transit could raise tension or require balance between topics connected to your public profile or sense of calling. and those that are more private and foundational.

On the 4th as well, Saturn stationing direct in Pisces may see the reality of dreams in your Pisces sphere of home and family materializing, to include housing and real estate matters, or familial dynamics, which could slow down or become more committed. A sense of hard-earned progress might be detected in the months since the beginning of Saturn’s retrograde in mid-June.

These transits also point to the importance of flexible structure and inspiration within your living situation or family to offset the limiting and contracting influence of Saturn; which can however provide stability to support your creative expression and pursuit of outer world objectives.

On the 8th, Venus moves into her home sign of Libra, blessing your sector of community, friendship, and long-term ambitions. As the current lunar cycle wanes, this transit implies positive evolution around topics seeded at the eclipse New Moon in Libra. This could emerge as social enjoyment, beneficial artistic collaborations, or camaraderie through community involvement reflecting your values. A trine to Pluto in Capricorn in the days before Venus' ingress brings in the shadow of ongoing change around how you learn a living, assets, and skills, or your communication. You may want to consider the connections you are making and nurturing at this time as valuable resources that support your professional aims or other long-term goals. Sharing your creative work or ambitions may yield you allies.

This is further pointed to by Mercury moving into your sign on the 9th, announcing your sphere of personal ambitions, identity, and self-presentation will pull focus for the rest of the month. Mercury's ingress is characterized by a sextile to Pluto from the 8th, which gives way to a square to Saturn in Pisces over the 9th and 10th—bringing in those transformational Capricorn themes around assets and values, which are linked to foundational realities and your personal trajectory. These transits may see a future-oriented tone to conversations or deeper inner contemplation related to these topics.

The Scorpio New Moon arrives on November 13th and opens a new cycle in your inner world and spiritual sphere. This lunation may be confronting due to the presence of Mars conjunct the luminaries, which form an opposition to Uranus in Taurus. The courageous and liberating qualities of Mars and Uranus offer rejuvenation through engaging with your secret world and the invisible forces that compel you, be it to inspire and energize private projects you are working on or let go of destructive habits that are reinforced by unconscious attachments. Any ongoing avoidance within you may see action forced through the inflammation of conflicts, illness, or unexpected events related to work, health, or everyday routines.

From the 21st to the 22nd, an opposition from Venus in Libra to Chiron in Aries could bring up inner wounding or fears related to self-expression, children, or seeking pleasure, which could also be integrated or worked with through your social connections and collaborations or how you support others in their creative work.

Your season begins on the 22nd when the Sun enters your sign, closely pursued by Mars on the 24th. Both planets encounter Saturn by square as they cross the threshold into your sign, representing identity sphere, calling attention to the connection between foundational topics and your sense of purpose and vitality.

The Gemini Full Moon in your opposite sign takes place on the 27th and illuminates the importance of one-on-one partnerships within the transformation process initiated at the Scorpio New Moon. Mars' applying conjunction to the Sun in your sign may amplify a clash between personal and shared ambitions. This Full Moon is a natural time of culmination, opening up about more complicated parts of yourself at this time, or your fears, could support a cleansing cycle or reenergize a relationship. Squares from Mercury and Mars in your sign to Neptune and Saturn in Pisces, respectively, bring up that existential mathematics of knowing when to surrender and when to consciously activate your free will. Having the discernment and courage to let go of something with significant history may offer personal potency and renewal, while sacrificing immediate individual urges could give rise to longer-term rewards and growth gained from commitment to something larger than yourself. These transits also send you inward to your roots, offering the idea that wisdom and meaning can be found through dedication or restructuring related to your family, home, and as well your deep bonds of belonging.