Libra Horoscope for November 2023

Posted on October 31, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of consolidation, Libra, in the wake of the eclipse cycle of the previous month featuring the dramatic mid-October solar eclipse in your sign. There are developments both individually and with regard to your key relationships. You might still be processing the accompanying shift in your values and the feeling of entering into a new stage of your ongoing spiritual evolution. There is currently a balancing act going on within you whereby you are both enthused about relationship in your life and also recognizing its limitations; this perhaps has the effect of throwing you back upon yourself and your own pathway forward. You are in essence seeking a more self-consistent sense of values and internal moral compass to bring to your partnership dynamic. Issues that arise in the relationship context can trigger inner wounding at this time as well, and if so, rather than problems these can better be seen as opportunities for internal connection with important and perhaps neglected parts of yourself that could need your support and loving attention. The New Moon of November 13th represents a new direction that absorbs relevant elements from this earlier cycle, and builds upon them. Surprises are likely still in store for you, along with intuitional guidance that aids your learning curve as you embrace change.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

November begins as you are still working out what was begun with the New Moon and solar eclipse in your sign from October 14th in your sphere of identity and embodiment. The lunation cycle seeded during that time has two weeks more to run, as you continue to explore personal growth and relationship options. The emotional intensity and transformative potential of what was initiated also brings partners into the picture of your resources and associated moral considerations. Things were amplified further by the recent Taurus Full Moon, from the 28th, the weekend before November began, also an eclipse, governing your realms of personal metamorphosis, shared resources, and intimacy. As the October lunation cycle continues to evolve over the first two weeks of the current month, you are finding your way forward into greater wholeness, with key partnerships in your life having their effect on that. It is also important to note that the effects of these eclipse lunations will continue to resonate over the next six months.

From the 1st to the 3rd, an opposition from the Sun in Scorpio to Jupiter in Taurus continues to stoke the fires of partnership collaboration and accommodation. Mercury's opposition to Uranus in Taurus from the 3rd to the 4th adds to this emphasis. These transits could align with unexpected news or conversations regarding your financial situation or an intimate relationship, which may come further into focus as the month unfolds.

An opposition from Venus in Virgo to Neptune in Pisces from the beginning of the month until the 4th also highlights the interaction between your sectors of the subconscious and your daily responsibilities and health. Perhaps you are enjoying time alone, working on creative projects behind the scenes, or feeling the benefits of a regular spiritual or artistic practice. With Pisces ruling your realms of the day-to-day, if what you regularly devote time to does not feel meaningful to you, it may bring up escapist tendencies that affect your wellbeing. This transit could point to unconscious habits around excess, body image, and health. You may be able to harness these planetary energies to imagine new ways to structure your life or practices that support your health.

On the 4th also, Saturn stationing direct in Pisces will help materialize these ambitions. This may also indicate delays or sustained hard work, or perhaps a fulfillment of what was engendered at the beginning of Saturn’s retrograde from mid-June.

When your ruling planet Venus moves into your sign on the 8th – corresponding to your sector of identity, ambition, and self-presentation –you may feel a boost in happiness and confidence in your ability to attract what you want. While last month’s New Moon has potentially brought up uncertainty within your relationships, this Venus ingress could give rise to a sense of inner peace or an emerging relational equilibrium that still honors independence.

Your mindset could also be uplifted by Mercury moving into Sagittarius, your sphere of communication and learning, the following day. These ingresses may arrive with an uptick in social activities, enlivening conversations, or new friends with shared interests.

From the 9th to the 10th, Mercury's square to Saturn in Pisces brings in topics related to your mental health and inner monologue, including the effect of the environment you regularly occupy and information consumption habits like phone and internet use. This may be a time of deep thinking about how to bring your big ideas into form; talking things through with others will likely expand your perspective or help you conceive of creative approaches.

The Scorpio New Moon arrives on November 13th, activating new beginnings and renewal related to your finances, self-esteem, and skills. The presence of Mars conjunct the luminaries, which oppose Uranus in Taurus, suggests a tension between your values and financial autonomy and the ways you are materially, energetically, and karmically entangled with others. There is inspiration to be found in this timing, and unexpected revelation; the Uranus archetype’s calling card. Be it activating or empowering, the confrontation of Mars with Uranus in your sphere of personal metamorphosis offers the courage to acknowledge a difficult truth or let something go, offering that moving on from loss does not erase its beauty and enduring value in your life. This lunation could also help you reconnect to will and purpose through the focalizing quality of anger or challenge.

New horizons of thought and knowledge are further emphasized with the Sun's entrance into Sagittarius on the 22nd, closely followed by Mars on the 24th. Perhaps a process activated at the New Moon may now free up energy for new learning and communication projects while also finding deep and lasting commitment. Both planets pass through a square to Saturn in Pisces as they cross this threshold, indicating you have the will and fortitude to commit to such endeavors, which may have tangible, long-term benefits and support your wellbeing.

From the 21st to the 22nd, an opposition from Venus in your sign to Chiron in Aries lights up your axis of self and other. The concurrent squares from the Sun and Mars to Saturn, as they make a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn, bring in the influence of ongoing change in your home and family sphere. These transits hold significant alchemizing potential should you have the courage to confront shadows around ego, anger, attachment, and fear, which may be integral to healing within relationships and family.

The Full Moon in Gemini of November 27th illuminates your sphere of life philosophies, education, and foreign travels and its relationship to what was seeded at the New Moon, suggesting an evolution in your values systems or expertise. The ongoing influence of a square between Mars and Saturn, as well as Mercury's square to Neptune, point to the utility of the continued tension this month between your communication sector and your idea of service, where frustration can have the beneficial effect of thrusting you out of habituated mental loops. While some material realities cannot be avoided, you always have the freedom to change your perspective. Exploring your belief systems, spiritual truths, or different worldviews will nourish your mental health and inspire a sense of possibility in your daily life.