Gemini Horoscope for November 2023

Posted on October 31, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another somewhat difficult month, Gemini, when you are very aware of painful places within you that reflect undigested trauma from your early past. The recent mid-October eclipse in Libra was a powerful reminder of what goes on for you beneath the surface layers of your psyche. It is rich in meaning and has the power to trouble you, yet has the power to heal you as well. These inner meditations have also the impetus for action related to deep purpose, something to base your life upon, rather than the indifferent and variable rewards implicit in strictly materialist viewpoints. You are perhaps starting to consider that the measure of your effectiveness in making your own way forward – as much as on your efforts on your own – must depend in large part as well upon their beneficial societal impact. After the Scorpio New Moon of the 13th, partners come into this picture as well, in novel ways. These notions also remind you that no matter how much you feel like falling back on this more usual go to, you cannot solve the riddle of your life and that of the world around you by logic alone; faith in the universe is therefore a must as you move forward.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

Last month’s Libra New Moon eclipse in your sphere of creativity, children, and pleasure was related to micro- and macro-evolutionary processes associated with your creativity. There could be social or other internal wounding that has come up for you that can lead to some interesting revelations. Your soul purpose is definitely involved in this when you can take a step back to look at the big picture of what you are up to. The seeds planted at this lunation on October 14th continue to develop throughout the first half of November, and they may also relate to longer cycles connected to effects of which will play out over the next six months along the Aries-Libra Lunar Node axis of your societal contribution as related to your creative process.

November arrives in the wake of the recent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus from four days before the month began, illuminating the role of your inner work and subconscious within the current lunar cycle, possibly bringing up feelings of isolation that stand in stark contrast to your needs for creative connection and shared joy, as indicated by Libra ruling your fifth house of creative self-expression.

Pressure across your Taurus-Scorpio axis continues this month, corresponding to issue of unconscious process and inner work in the context of life purpose. This begins under the influence of an opposition from the Sun in Scorpio to Jupiter in Taurus, from the 1st to the 3rd. This transit suggests cultivating inner spiritual, emotional, and mental health is intimately bound to your physical wellbeing and daily productivity.

From the 3rd to the 4th, Mercury’s opposition to Uranus in Taurus places further focus on these dynamics, pointing to the illuminating and destabilizing process of making the unconscious conscious. The prominence of Pluto in your sphere of personal transformation last month, along with the eclipses, may have had you navigating states of profound uncertainty, loss, or transition. These transits support an ongoing process of release, offering liberation from outdated patterns of thought and reconnection to a sense of inner faith and purpose within your daily life and work.

Themes related to your Pisces sphere of career and public image are also in the air this month, announced by an opposition from Venus in Virgo in your family and belonging sector to Neptune in Pisces from the beginning of the month until the 4th. While this may extend a lack of clarity around domestic and work relationships or a yearning for a sense of home or kinship that was stimulated at the Venus-ruled Libra New Moon, this transit may also help you connect to a vocational dream or something you feel called to offer to the world.

Saturn stationing direct in Pisces on the 4th may additionally ground inspiration in reality, suggesting an emerging feeling of mastery or progress gained through significant struggle or effort, particularly since the beginning of its retrograde in mid-June. These transits also point to the value of feeling rooted and connected within your living situation or family, which can provide stability to support your creative expression and pursuit of outer world objectives.

Venus moves into her home sign of Libra on the 8th, blessing topics to do with self-expression, pleasure, and children, including accessing the playfulness of your inner child. This transit may feel uplifting, as though color and camaraderie are returning to life through shared fun, romance, and inspiration. It may also be an opportune time for launching creative projects.

On the 9th, Mercury moves into Sagittarius, corresponding to your relationship sphere, which will pull your focus for the rest of the month. This could signal an enthusiastic re-engagement or a new sense of freedom for relationships or committed partnerships.

From the 9th to the 10th, Mercury’s square to Saturn in Pisces brings in topics related to your vocation, suggesting a more serious tone to conversations within business and collaborative partnerships or discussions related to shared future ambitions and commitments, including marriage.

The Scorpio New Moon arrives on November 13th, and opens a new cycle in your sector of daily environment, habits, and service to others. Consider taking extra rest to support your nervous system around this time; this New Moon may be activating and revelatory due to the presence of Mars conjunct the luminaries, which form an opposition to Uranus in Taurus. With these fixed signs governing the sixth and twelfth houses in your solar chart, of service and of unconscious process, this lunation may represent firmly entrenched behaviors beginning to shift that are reinforced or compelled by deep unconscious attachments related to safety or survival. Consciously engaging the courageous and liberating qualities of Mars and Uranus may help you let go of outdated patterns and free up energy for new approaches to life management. Ongoing avoidance of such habits may see action forced through the inflammation of conflicts, illness, or “sudden” events related to work, health, or everyday routines.

The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd, closely pursued by Mars on the 24th. Both planets encounter Saturn by square as they cross this threshold, again connecting your realms of vocation and partnership. These transits may manifest as encounters with authority figures, commitment to new work partnerships, or reality checks that may feel particularly sobering for planets energized by the enthusiastic momentum of Sagittarius. While disciplined and sustained action is on the table, pay attention to relationship or work situations that feel particularly arduous at this time. While it is difficult to walk away from or renegotiate commitments you have devoted substantial time and energy to, they will only be sustainable in the long term if they feel enlivening to you.

The Full Moon in your sign on the 27th illuminates the significance of your identity, self-presentation, and personal aspirations within the transformation process initiated at the time of the Scorpio New Moon from two weeks back. The Full Moon is a natural time of fulfillment that may support this cleansing cycle, perhaps with an emerging consciousness of your personal evolution and its effects on your self-confidence and embodiment. Certain escapist tendencies, frustrations, or urges to do your own thing may emerge around this time through your realms of vocation and relationships due to squares from Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius to Neptune and Saturn in Pisces, respectively. These transits can also be harnessed for sustained efforts toward your professional aspirations, which your relationships may have a hand in supporting.