Pisces Horoscope for September 2023

Posted on August 31, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another rather interesting month for you, Pisces, when Mercury is retrograde in your opposite sign of Virgo, indicating a protracted period of time when there is an introspective element to all of your relating, and a depth to your thinking and communication. Your thoughts could be somewhat scattered now, and yet also brilliant in their conceptualizations. The retrogrades of both Mercury and Venus as the month begins have likely given you pause, as you reflect on your life purpose and future direction. After the first two weeks, relationships come even more fully into the picture with the Virgo New Moon of September 14th. This indicates a complicated picture of a fresh start in the way that you connect to important partners, and to intimate connection with others, with also a questioning of this dynamic that you could either accept or deny. You benefit from staying as open as you can to possibility, including startling information that keeps splashing into your awareness from peers and confederates. You still remain cautious about what to accept, and what look upon rather more skeptically. As the old Arab proverb goes, you must trust in God, and yet still remember to tie up your camel.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at alea.balzer@gmail.com

The energy of the recent Leo New Moon from mid-August, affecting your sector of service, day-to-day environment, and health matters, continues to play out during the first two weeks of September. Trickster Uranus, in a tight square with the New Moon and therefore featured, indicates that there could be surprising events or unexpected enlightenment in these areas.

You also enter the September month under the ongoing retrogrades of Mercury and also Venus, the latter barely moving in the sky as she prepares to station direct. Mercury is moving backward through your opposite sign, challenging your perspective on relationship in your life and causing you to review and potentially revise your dynamic with active partners. These planets favor slowing down to readjust and may even have you delving into the inner factors and analyzing what has gone down in the past before proceeding forward.

Venus' six-week retrograde through your sector of daily rhythms, service, and health concludes on the 3rd, which may have offered insight into your approach to workplace and health routines, life management, and day-to-day habits. Her journey through this sector of your chart brings to mind a line by the poet Mary Oliver: "If you suddenly and unexpectedly feel joy, don't hesitate. Give in to it." This transit points to a simple truth that inspiration, play, and celebration don't require anything grandiose; simply the space and capacity to recognize, feel, and express happiness as you go about your day. Whether or not this truly is simple or accessible to you may be part of continued contemplation, which might be extended as Venus recovers lost ground throughout the month – finally moving into new territory in the second week of October. An ongoing square between Venus and Jupiter, which turns retrograde in Taurus the following day, could point to issues of moderation, such as consumption habits, workaholism, or communications and when to turn off the notifications.

Mercury's inferior conjunction with the Sun on September 6th signals the halfway point in its retrograde cycle through the sector of your chart related to community participation, friendship, and life ambitions. The early morning hours of this day, when Mercury traverses the very heart of the Sun, known as Cazimi, lasting only to 7 am PT, might be rather more clarifying than confusing and could offer a download of insight or new information that informs our ongoing process of review and revision.

Relational dynamics remain in the picture this month, likely taking up significant mental space – internally or through interactions with another. Partnered or not, retrogrades in the seventh sector point to the classic return of the ex. Be it via introspection or literal confrontations with people from the past; this period might have you considering your perspective and evolving attitudes in relating to others. While the exacting lens of a highly functioning retrograde Mercury could pull focus to everything that needs to be improved, adopting an attitude of curiosity and compassion will make for more constructive interactions, which may be more productive and less evaluative at least a week after Mercury stations direct on the 15th, or even better, once it leaves its retrograde shadow on the 29th.

Further emphasis from the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini, also taking place on the 6th, points to the concerns of home, family, and cohabitation issues, which might see you readjusting your daily strategies in this final week of the lunation cycle.

Uranus in Taurus again makes its presence known at the Virgo New Moon on the 14th through a trine from your sphere of the mind and communication, doubling down on the mental qualities of this highly analytical and creative Mercury-ruled lunation. As disruptive as it is liberating, Uranus' presence calls for experimental approaches to the relational realm and shared goals, where you might let stagnant forms pass and try new ones out. The earth-sign emphasis of Uranus and Mercury, which stations direct the following day, points to the practical and pragmatic, lending itself to conceptualizing and planning original shared projects to manifest in the future. In the Virgo style of doing the most with what one has, this cycle may have a flair for improving current close partnerships, be they intimate, business, or platonic, such as trying new approaches to communication issues. This transit might also revitalize a current relationship through a shift in your perspective. In recognizing your partner's freedom to change and grow just as you do, you might honor one another's sovereignty and choice to be there, no matter how long you have been together.

From the 17th to the 20th, the Sun's opposition to Neptune, your ruler, and located in your sign, may raise topics related to power dynamics, projection, and the balance of self-assertion and compromise might be a theme. While clarity may not be at hand, the compassionate, romantic aspects of this transit may be restorative if things are getting a little hypercritical in the relationship department – sometimes sharing a poem or a song can speak more clearly than the rational.

Why not abandon logic altogether at some point during this period to rest and focus on creative, intuitive, and spiritual processes of your own, external to the self, participating in the glorification of the communal collective. Across your axis of self and other, this might point to a process of reconciling polarity, where you may be navigating the balance of Neptunian fusion and autonomy, the fantasy and the real, and of how much you will tolerate in your acceptance of other and where you draw a line. Aspects from both the Sun and Neptune to Pluto in Capricorn indicate that a factor of your social identity or independence may be transforming due to a one-on-one relationship or that shared goals may significantly shift your long-term life trajectory. This also points to the importance of your deep friendship connections and powerful allies that may support personal aspirations, possibly related to the spiritual or artistic.

The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, which may take you deeper into the terrain of interrelatedness and the material, energetic, and emotional entanglements that characterize them.

From the 22nd to the 25th, Mars' applying opposition to Chiron in Aries could activate foundational wounds related to scarcity, self-esteem, and autonomy, particularly with respect to material realities. Venus' trine to Chiron offers that you might nurture these vulnerabilities by taking a generous and holistic approach to investing in your health and well-being. This also points to restoration through the care you give and receive regularly, possibly related to your gifts to help others heal.

The Aries Full Moon lands on the 29th and extends the emphasis on your sector of personal resources, assets, and gifts. Perhaps pointing to a need for financial independence or the balance of material and energetic give and take in your current partnerships. This phase could illuminate what values are non-negotiable for you or whether your sense of self-worth is tied to outside standards from consensus thought or your own early conditioning. Venus' final square with Uranus might also pull focus to a tension between the work you must do to earn a living and your sense of purpose and passion. You might shake the drudgery of the daily by learning something new that excites you or honoring your needs for regular variety, changes of scenery, and expansive and stimulating conversations, even if that means scheduling time to be off schedule.

Mercury's trine to Uranus as it escapes its retrograde shadow points to the creative potentiality of freeing up unrealistic standards of perfection you might hold for yourself or others. This could be a good time to have open-minded and honest conversations, where you might deal with the same old problem and yet arrive at novel solutions that leave you feeling revitalized or excited about future plans.