Aquarius Horoscope for September 2023

Posted on August 31, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another powerful month of potential changes, Aquarius. This might be especially so for you with transformative Pluto perched on the edge of your sign, getting ready to return to Aquarius in January, 2024. In this current monthly cycle, the recent Leo New Moon and retrograde of Venus presaged a relationship focus for you, lasting throughout September, where renewed factors could come to light regarding current or future partnerships amidst also a certain degree of questioning and internal speculation about this important area. You are in the process of looking more deeply into what makes your relationship dynamic tick, and this engenders further changes in the way you see yourself and your belief systems. You are evolving at the core, and your deep intuition plays a vital role, providing surprising insights. You do well to pay close attention to these. Last month’s introspective timing of the Venus retrograde is echoed this month with Mercury’s, in Virgo, corresponding to your sector of intimacy and personal evolution. Personal growth is the name of your game right now, as you seek your next evolutionary stage, a little bit farther than you have gone before.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

September begins halfway through the energetic Leo New Moon cycle that took place in your relationship sector in the middle of the previous month of August. Uranus in Taurus was also greatly featured in this recent lunation so that issues of home and family continue to pop up front and center and perhaps receive an impulse of fresh inspiration with a touch of conflict from partnership considerations. You might find yourself being called upon to revolutionize some aspect of your foundations that is tied in with your close relationships. With Venus also retrograde in Leo in the beginning of September, relationship in general is your focus now, and the subject of your meditative introspection.

Because Mercury is also retrograde in Virgo as the month begins, moving backward through your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, there is also an introspective focus about the way that partners show up for you, and you for them. You may have been mulling these things over, as well as reflecting on your ongoing partnership agreements.

Venus' station direct on September 3rd punctuates her travels through Leo, signaling the end of her six-week retrograde and the beginning of her post-retrograde shadow as she recovers. As Venus first stands still and then slowly begins to move forward in the sky, your attention may be drawn to a certain issue that has been brewing in a close partnership, be it intimate, contractual, or platonic. Matters of the home and family remain a significant component of the story due to an ongoing square between Venus and Jupiter in Taurus, which also makes its positive and expansive presence because the king of planets is also moving quite slowly.

Retrograde Mercury's trine to Jupiter indicates that solutions may emerge through your sector of intimacy and joint assets. These transits continue to favor introspection and evaluation over decisive action, as clarity and precise communication might not be on the table right now. Perhaps you can simply observe the issues that are coming up and recognize there are important things to work through in the coming weeks. If you can bypass the brain and the urge to solve things immediately, Venus in Leo calls you to reconnect to the fiery inspiration of what fills your heart, what you value in partnership, and how you feel loved. A gift of Leo is to recognize the innate specialness of the self and of others. You might consider how you celebrate your loved ones and whether you feel this reciprocity within your close connections.

Mercury's inferior conjunction with the Sun on September 6th signals the halfway point in its retrograde cycle through the sector of your chart related to intimacy and personal transformation. The early morning hours of this day, when Mercury traverses the very heart of the Sun, known as its Cazimi, lasting only to 7 am PT, might be rather more clarifying than confusing. While not the best time to sign contracts or make financial agreements, Mercury's revitalization may intensify focus on matters of shared interest by lending its discerning eye to your intimate and material enmeshments. Situations or encounters that bring up pain from the past may also have you delving deeply into your psychology and lens of perception that informs the way you relate to others. Like the eye of a storm, the Cazimi moment can align with unexpected news or a moment of inspiration or mental clarity within the retrograde period. A trine from the Sun and Mercury to Jupiter indicates that whatever is on your mind right now may be positively linked to expansion in your home and family sector. A square from the Last Quarter Moon in fellow Mercury-ruled sign Gemini extends the flexible quality of the final week of the Leo lunation cycle, which may require readjustment related to children, creativity, and pleasure, including the role of the romantic and sensual within a primary relationship.

The Virgo New Moon on September 14th may have you conducting a thorough audit of your shared material realities, including debts, taxes, and inheritances. A trine from the luminaries to your co-ruling planet Uranus in Taurus again seeds this cycle with an experimental quality that supports original thinking around business and shared assets, aided by the due diligence of a highly functioning Mercury in Virgo that stations direct the following day. The connection between these earth signs grounds this lunation with a pragmatic lens that is oriented to materializing and maintaining new structures that will provide more freedom, with an eye for doing the most with what you already have. The majority of this lunar cycle may be devoted to reorganizing, optimizing, and planning, where the final week might align with more externalized action once Mercury and Venus have both escaped their retrograde shadows in October. This new cycle could also relate to change within a deeply merged relationship that now requires mental and material rearrangement or confronting aspects of your karmic or familial lineage. While challenging, Jupiter's presence in the foundational place in your chart and ongoing square with Venus indicates that whatever is left behind makes way for fertile new growth.

From the 17th to the 20th, the Sun's opposition to Neptune in Pisces may raise topics related to as the Sun forms an opposition to Neptune in Pisces. Logic may not be the solution. This transit may arrive with an ambient sense of financial anxiety or illuminate the need for self-sufficiency within partnerships. That being said, Neptunian consciousness may be just the right medicine if you find you are getting myopic, overly critical, or energetically overwhelmed. Consider your intuitive, artistic, empathic gifts as tangible assets to help you think creatively and guide your practical goals. This time calls for solitude, rest, meditative practices, and listening to your dreams. Supportive aspects from both the Sun and Neptune to Pluto in Capricorn reiterate the call for surrender within your striving and the importance of nurturing your relationship with yourself, external to the remainder of your community or circle.

The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, which may stir your adventurous spirit for the next month in your sector of learning, travel, and the quest for meaning.

From the 22nd to the 25th, Mars' applying opposition to Chiron in Aries could activate foundational wounds related to mental health or your confidence to speak up and think for yourself. This transit offers that integration is on offer through a meaning-making process, where you might transform your relationship to certain inner wounds by connecting to a larger philosophy or understanding. It may also point to your capacity to help others heal, perhaps through a message you have to share or teach. Supportive aspects from Venus to Chiron and Mars point to the restorative power of love, should you have the courage to allow vulnerable parts of yourself to be witnessed by another.

The Aries Full Moon on the 29th may illuminate how your inner dialogue, communication patterns, or mental processes relate to the current lunar cycle. As it culminates, you may be reconciling the loss of a close relationship, material asset, or mode of thinking as you prepare to enter a new stage. Venus' final square with Uranus implies that changes within your relationship and domestic sphere might wake you up in places you have been sleepwalking. This might enliven your current relationship or equip you to share yourself with others wholeheartedly. Perhaps you can reflect on what has been unfolding across your Leo and Taurus sectors of partnership and domestic considerations since the first Venus-Uranus square in early July. As it leaves its retrograde shadow, a trine from Mercury to Uranus indicates this process has been aided by cleaning out the closet of your karmic, energetic, and material entanglements.

September supports renewal by restoring the health and heart of your one-on-one partnerships and the dynamics of energetic and material exchange that characterize relatedness. The inner recalibration, insight, and practicalities that may have been the focus of this highly analytical month will place you in good stead for putting plans into action during October.