Capricorn Horoscope for September 2023

Posted on August 31, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another month of introspection, Capricorn, with Mercury Retrograde in your sector of higher mind, making for a thoughtful time which lasts all month. That is, when you count the two weeks of Mercury’s shadow period following its station to direct motion on September 15th. Venus will also be straightening out all month long as well, in Leo, following her station direct on September 3rd, and this affects your chart as well, your creative self-expression in particular. Due to the elevated presence of Trickster Uranus located in the sector of your creative self-expression, there are a great many choices that you will likely encounter in exploring your creativity, with opportunities that must nevertheless be tested before going at them full speed ahead. Your communication and sources of information, both inner and outer, are vitally important to you now, as you also attempt to discern whether what you are doing in outer world pursuit makes total sense for you in terms of inner values and priorities. This is a fortunate time, and you benefit from staying open to possibility; however, with the Mercury Retrograde, it is also wise to stay tentative at least to some extent, finding your firmer footing in October.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

The first half of September is characterized by the Leo lunation cycle from the middle of the previous month of August that planted a new seed in your sector of intimacy, shared resources, and personal evolution. The influence of the New Moon square to Uranus in Taurus is deeply imprinted into the current cycle, which might play out through exciting or unstable interpersonal dynamics or other changes connected to your Taurus-ruled sector of romance, pleasure, creativity, and children. The ongoing interaction between this part of your chart and your Leo-ruled sphere indicates that evolution here might leave you with a stronger commitment to yourself and your values, which may act as a compass within your material, energetic, and emotional entanglements.

Mercury is retrograde as the month begins, in your sector of higher mind, where it brings an introspective viewpoint on your ruminations about educational or travel opportunities, or your fundamental evolving worldview. Although Mercury stations to direct motion on the 15th, it does not fully escape its retrograde shadow for another two weeks, until the 29th.

Venus stations direct on September 3rd, concluding her six-week retrograde in Leo. This time may have called your attention to tangible material matters relating to the benefits and losses that emerge through bonds with others, including contracts, debts, inheritances, and business arrangements. Venus' slow recovery, combined with the discernment of Mercury retrograding through Virgo, continues to highlight the reconsideration process this month. Be it intentional or thrust upon you through situations or encounters that bring up pain from the past, this period may have you delving deeply into the archives of your experience and considering how you project this onto your relationship with others and the wider world. Venus' ongoing square to Jupiter, which has remained active since August 22nd, indicates this could relate to deepening ties with a romantic partner or financial negotiations and planning regarding a creative collaboration or children.

Mercury's inferior conjunction with the Sun on September 6th signals the halfway point in its retrograde cycle through the sector of your chart related to community participation, friendship, and life ambitions. The early morning hours of the day, when Mercury traverses the very heart of the Sun, known as its Cazimi, lasting to 7 am PT, could prove clarifying to your sense of perspective on how you see the world around you. Mercury's revitalization reiterates there is self-knowledge to be gained right now through expanding your mind, be that through intellectual, spiritual, or physical questing. This juncture might align with unexpected news or an ah-ha moment of understanding or proficiency, possibly involving editing or finishing past work. You might be refining your belief systems and worldview with an eye for their ongoing utility.

The Last Quarter Moon transpires on the same day, and the square to the Sun and Mercury from the Moon in the Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini might point to the importance of caring for your psychological well-being, particularly with so much mental energy in the air. This may call for readjustments connected to your habitual behaviors, the service and care you give to others, and daily responsibilities.

The Virgo New Moon of September 14th places perception and communication front and center in the upcoming cycle, including how you listen, learn, and take in messages from the world and people around you. You may want to improve intellectual or communication skills, consider teaching and learning roles, or define the ideas you wish to share with a wider audience. Uranus the awakener offers itself to you again this lunar cycle, this time through a supportive trine from the luminaries, urging you to think for yourself, update your systems of belief, and participate more actively in the school of life from a place of open mindedness. While you may feel unprepared, rapid evolution related to creativity, children, and your attitude to life enjoyment might call you to get started on or unleash something that dwells within you. This might also related to planning an exciting overseas trip or spiritual exploration. Taking place at the same degree as Mercury stationed retrograde on August 24th, it might present an opportunity to act on any adjustments or insights that have since emerged or extend retrograde themes of returning to past ideas or situations with a new lens, particularly as Mercury moves very slowly in the sky to station direct the following day.

From the 17th to the 20th, the Sun's opposition to Neptune in Pisces may raise topics related to tension between your rational and intuitive intelligence may arise as the Sun forms an opposition to Neptune in Pisces. This transit might bring up a need for boundaries related to phone and internet use that affect focus or create anxiety. Try to log off and rest; meditation, communing with nature, and learning to connect and listen to your intuition will likely have tangible benefits that inform your conscious ambitions by helping you think creatively and cultivate empathy for yourself and others. While the earth-sign emphasis this month places significant focus on the real and useful, consider entertaining your creative visions, intuitive insights, and big dreams rather than dismiss them as impractical. Supportive aspects from both the Sun and Neptune to Pluto in the final degrees of your sign indicate that you have more personal power and energy than you may think to materialize your ambitions, so take hold of that Virgo energy to figure out a plan and take a step toward it.

The Sun enters Venus-ruled Libra on the 22nd, shifting some focus to vocation and the image you present to the world for next month.

From the 22nd to the 25th, Mars' applying opposition to Chiron in Aries could move you out of equilibrium, connecting your professional life and ambitions with topics related to home and belonging. It may also point to a gift for healing that you might offer to help others on a similar journey. Supportive aspects from Venus to Chiron and Mars may equip you with the courage and compassion to look at familial wounding or early experiences that influence your sense of self-worth, security, or confidence to advocate for and express yourself. This could also relate to a grieving process connected to death or a relationship ending.

The Aries Full Moon on the 29th extends themes of home, family, and career to that of the current Moon cycle. As the cycle culminates, perhaps you are reconciling with letting go of a familial bond or living situation as you prepare to enter a new stage. This reorientation may be aided by a square from Venus to Uranus in Taurus, which might offer rapid release of relational baggage and points to the significant creative potential of doing things differently. A trine from Mercury to Uranus as it leaves its retrograde shadow indicates your mental and spiritual expansion and a refinement of your beliefs and values is connected to this process. This may equip you to meet others from a place of inner sovereignty and integrity.

The transits of this September month may support you in bringing more joy and heart to your intimate bonds by cultivating awareness of your attitudes to relating and the nuances of your entanglements. The continued emphasis on your Taurus sector of creativity and self-expression indicates that pleasure, ingenuity, and play provide the nourishment and impetus to unshackle some of the ties you feel bound by and inspire within you new collaborative dreams.