Taurus Horoscope for September 2023

Posted on August 31, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an interesting and potentially confounding month for you, Taurus, with your ruler, Venus, still in retrograde as it begins, and with Mercury also now in retrograde in your creativity sector. Taking Mercury’s retrograde shadow into account, this lasts right through to the 29th of September. There will likely be missed communications, and incorrect assumptions that turn on you, and yet these days of inner planet retrograde do have a silver lining in terms of internal reflection and sincere meditation on where life is taking you. Because Uranus in your sign is also very much highlighted in both the recent Leo New Moon that colors the first half of September, and also the mid-month New Moon in Virgo, you are filled with some rather strange and novel ideas concerning your very identity; with discovering who and what you really are. This equally applies to the related question of finding your true pathway forward. On the one hand, you could say that it might be time for a change, and a new way of seeing things, including the world around you. On the other, mirage is a factor of these retrograde positions so that you will want to tread carefully and test out any novel approaches quite well before plunging for them.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at alea.balzer@gmail.com

September begins in the wake of the potent energy of the August 16th Leo New Moon. This took place your fourth solar sector of home and family, indicating developments in this area that continue into the present month. Familial issues continue to evolve throughout the first half of September, with additional focus on Uranus in your sign, involving a somewhat scattered sense of your identity. There is also an inventive and emancipatory quality that may imbue you with the confidence to begin to express yourself in entirely new ways and to entertain possibilities for your life purpose and for your spiritual evolution beyond what you have come to conceive as possible. Your ruler, Venus, was also retrograde in this earlier lunation, plus Mercury being now retrograde in your creativity sector, giving you some degree of opportunity to pause and reflect on the basis of your self-expression, and on where your life is currently taking you.

Venus’ station direct on September 3rd could signify a more active period of this Venus cycle, as she has also just recently risen for the Morning Star, signaling a new phase of her, and potentially your, existence, particularly concerning your domestic sphere and your sense of sanctuary. The six-week Venus retrograde period has shined a light on the very roots of your chart, supporting renewal at the foundations that might help you access more joy, creativity, and a firmer sense of rootedness from which you can extend outward. This might also involve recalibration related to parental karma and childhood conditioning or more practical matters related to the home and real estate.

On September 6th, the Mercury Cazimi that takes place in your sector of joy, romance, and self-expression, when retrograde Mercury conjuncts the Sun, might align with a sense of clarity, unexpected news, or inspiration. A square to Mercury and the Sun represented by the Last Quarter Moon this same day in Gemini reflects the analytical quality of the final week of the Leo New Moon cycle, where you might be looking at what strategies are working and what aren’t. A sextile from the Moon to Venus in Leo indicates that your personal resources, values, and topics related to creativity, pleasure, and children might emerge as a focus and inform the subsequent lunation cycle.

The New Moon in Virgo takes place on September 14th, and plants a new seed related to self-expression, fun, and romance, as well as your creativity. This fresh start might also be linked to your identity, appearance, or ambitions due to a trine from the New Moon to Uranus in your sign. This lunation asks you to connect to what you love and to prioritize creativity and whatever makes you feel vital and alive, despite the voices that might judge you for it. Emphasis on the relationship between your Leo and Taurus-ruled sectors continues at this New Moon, characterized by the influence of Venus’ square to Jupiter, which has remained active since the prior square on August 22nd. Perhaps you might reflect on your situation in early June with respect to where you are now, focusing on how themes emerging in your sphere of home and family relate to your personal evolution and identity. Innovative and practical solutions might emerge through this analysis process, supported by a well-dignified Mercury, co-present and ruling the New Moon. Mercury stations to direct motion the very next day, standing stock-still in the sky.

From the 17th to the 20th, the Sun in Virgo forms an opposition to Neptune in Pisces, which could raise topics connected to collaboration and friendship particularly as it relates to your artistic endeavors and social enjoyment. While this transit can align with a reduced sense of vitality or confusion about your place within a broader social matrix, there is also support for healing through Venus’ ongoing square to Jupiter in your sign and her trine to Chiron in Aries that could aid in the process of letting go and forgiveness, of yourself and others. This might relate to your own shadows and pain buried deep in your psyche and how it might impact your feelings of connection and rootedness, patterns of relating, and sense of self. A trine from the Sun to Pluto in Capricorn offers that you can and are changing as your values and life philosophies evolve. While that may require a painful letting go or fear that nothing might arrive to replace what is leaving, this is a highly creative period for you. Tap into the significant artistic potential of these transits through activities that engage your imaginal and artistic capacity, alone or with collaborators and friends.

The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, where it will shine its light on your daily rhythms, health, and responsibilities for the next month.

From the 22nd to the 25th, Mars, also in Libra, simultaneously applying to an opposition to Chiron in Aries, might bring up past issues related to mental or physical health. Connecting to a healthy and happy self might involve grieving a past self and the story of who and where you came from. Taking personal space for introspection, decompression, and rest will likely be helpful between the 20th and the 28th, particularly if you are feeling tense or energetically overwhelmed. With the sign of the scales ruling this sector of your chart, balancing the care you give to others and your own needs might be an ongoing process of adjustment.

The Full Moon culminates in Aries on the 29th, further emphasizing your sector of unconscious process and inner work. This could highlight your need for regular solitude and introspection or topics related to mental or physical health that may influence your relationship to fun and pleasure.

Venus also makes her final square with Uranus on the same day as the Full Moon, and Mercury leaves its retrograde shadow this day as well in trine to Uranus. The Venus-Uranus square across your identity and family sectors implies this may be related to a story that has been unfolding for several weeks, perhaps since the beginning of July. These transits suggest a freeing up or a revivification process: it might be time to just be yourself, to hell with what other people think. Heading into October, the illuminating quality of this lunation, combined with an exalted Mercury armed with retrograde insight, suggests that clarity and an action path could be emerging and may require you to let go of ideas about how you thought things would feel or how a situation would play out.

Overall, September may help you form a practical and creative path forward following the more internal period of reflection and insight that may have characterized the retrograde of your ruling planet. A more active phase might commence in the second week of October once Mercury and Venus have both escaped their retrograde shadows. Something about Venus is waking up, offering clarity, reconciliation, or solutions to shifting realities on the home front and highly personal changes in your own life trajectory through leaning into what makes you feel alive, joyful, and creatively potent.