Cancer Horoscope for August 2023

Posted on July 31, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a time of internal change, Cancer, leading eventually to dramatic initiatives and metamorphosis. The retrogrades of personal planets Venus and Mercury color it with introspection and with seizing the moment to attempt vital personal adjustments, especially in its final two weeks. For the most complete fulfillment of this month’s dreams and schemes, it might be that you will need to wait until the September 29th Full Moon taking place in your career sector,. As August begins, you are riding the wave of the recent New Moon in your sign, which has been giving you tons of energy that can perhaps be most profitably be expended on sizing up where in this regard you might indeed be headed and how far you have come in your process of achieving greater internal authenticity. The highlighted presence of transformative Pluto and of Trickster Uranus, located in your sectors of relationship and of future plans, support this concept of a changing outlook over these next couple of months. There are a lot of moving parts, and so the best advice might be to have faith in your process and to take the high road in all your dealings, with important others in your life and most significantly within yourself.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

As the August month begins, you are riding the wave of the exciting New Moon in your sign from the middle of the previous month. This New Moon, with prominent Pluto, provided a transformational orientation and you might be feeling yourself beginning to glide into an entirely new era as this cycle continues to unwind in the present month.

The Aquarius Full Moon of August 1st is illuminating the sector of your chart that relates to your partnerships and what you share with others and finds you at the midway point in the cycle that began in mid-July with the New Moon in Cancer. You may continue to experience a dual process of shedding old concepts and embracing new perspectives, creating more space to be unapologetically you and letting go of old ways of relating with others. The Full Moon in Aquarius at the beginning of the month could also emphasize a thirst for things that are outside of the ordinary, especially when it comes to people and places. Mercury in Virgo forming an opposition with Saturn in Pisces in this Full Moon could bring a certain amount of boredom with your immediate surroundings and curiosity for the exotic or things that take you out of your comfort zone. You may find yourself assessing the states of your existing partnerships and your roles within them. Overall this Full Moon could clarify the agreements you are willing to make with others and the adjustments needed within yourself to align with more authentic relational dynamics.

From the 8th to the 10th Venus in Leo forms a second of three squares with Uranus in Taurus stimulating your social and financial sector. Surprises and unexpected events could lead to wisdom and shifts in the way that you see the material world as a cog in a greater whole. Plans could also alter in this second week of August as you bring a renewed focus on your overall direction, your dreams and ambitions and the people who can help you achieve your goals. You may be busier than usual with professional and logistical planning, running errands and socializing. Unexpected encounters are possible leading to new insights and attitudes. There is electricity in the air and some restlessness possible at this time so that it may be hard to focus on just one thing or curb your spending habits.

Pleasure and the material side of life features more prominently for you on the 13th, when Venus conjunct the Sun in Leo emphasizes the resource sector of your chart. This could perhaps it be a good opportunity to reflect on what wealth means for you, or you could be thinking about the nature of your resources, They say money can’t buy happiness and that true wealth comes from within.

The New Moon in Leo on August 16th features both Venus and Uranus prominently while also forming a supportive trine with Chiron in Aries linking your resource sector with your vocational sector. What comes up for you at this time could be meditations on inner wounding, the residue of early childhood trauma, that is ready for healing. This new cycle beginning in Leo may bring themes of autonomy, wealth, value and authority to flourish in the coming weeks as your relationships with the world and your role within it continue to undergo an important renewal. Connecting to your personal sense of power and being courageous about your dreams and vision could in turn bring the resources or the connections that you need. You might be trying to rid yourself of lingering self-doubts about the validity of your objectives and succeed in getting more comfortable with the fact that you are the one in charge of deciding what your values are, and not others.

The Sun enters the Mutable sign of Virgo on the 23rd and this year, Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo on the same day which has the potential to bring an important emphasis on sorting out, revising and organizing in the coming weeks. Paperwork and emails that have been collecting dust over the past few months might need to be looked through as you prepare for the upcoming season and if you are a student or a teacher, there may be an emphasis on education.

The Sun in Virgo opposing Saturn in Pisces on the 26th and the 27th could bring up limitations you hadn’t really taken into account. This could also perhaps bring discouragement or slow down your process. You can succeed at this time by staying focused on your goals. With some patience and deliberate attention to the work at hand, you should be able to move through this period and achieve what you set out to do and not let self-doubt get the better of you. Mars ingressing into Libra in this end of the month time has the potential to bring a quiet and powerful determination in the coming weeks and getting clear about what is motivating you at this time could help you channel this powerful energy.

The Pisces Full Moon on the 30th culminates in the part of your chart that relates to learning and education, travel, mind-expansion of all kinds and foreign journeys whether physical or metaphorical. With the Full Moon forming a close conjunction with Saturn this moment may also turn out to be about allowing the universe and your process to flow, accepting that faith and surrender are essential components of reality.