Leo Horoscope for May 2023

Posted on April 30, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This month the focus shifts, Leo, to your career and professional life, after an initial concentration on worldview and beliefs. Because Mercury is also retrograde in your vocational sector, you could find yourself operating in an introspective mode regarding what you do out in the world, ultimately syncing your initiatives there with values from deep inside you. Relationships in your life are transforming. Your ongoing collision of public and private concerns is intensified in the lunar eclipse and Full Moon of Friday, May 5th. This is also a moment of profound intuition, and of deep connection to the larger matrix of Nature and natural law and as well to partners in your life. You find that your creative self-expression requires a component of inner moral principle to fully succeed. From the 12th to the 14th, the Moon’s Last Quarter and the station of Mercury to direct motion herald another intense juncture that is one highlight of the Mercury Retrograde period – with all the usual symptoms of missed connections and mechanical breakdown. You are being cued to keep your head on straight in spite of it all, heading into the final two weeks of the month, as career and partnerships transform and Mercury slowly recovers.

The following was written by our guest columnist Geoff Gronlund of geoffgronlund.com

The Solar Eclipse New Moon from last month, at the final degree of Aries, colors the current month and longer. The Aries focus lands in your ninth sector of higher mind, education and travel, and so may have instilled within you a desire for distant lands or to study a philosophy or belief system you have been wanting to better understand. With Pluto’s influence also stemming from that eclipse, located in your opposite sign, your relationships may be going through some transformative changes, hopefully in support of uplifting and improving them. Another carry-over from the previous month’s potent New Moon is a hint of inner wounding that you also likely seek to better understand. The effects of the eclipse can be experienced through to the fall eclipse cycle, six months from now.

Pluto stations retrograde on May 1st in your partnership sector, indicating an increased intensity to your ongoing changes there. The Sun and Mercury conjoin on the same day in your sector of leadership, achievement, and career. This combination of events can signal not only the increase of transformational experience in your relationships, whether intimate or business, but also a focus and questioning on the details of how you pursue your outer world objectives. You may be reflecting upon your career and if it truly makes you happy and satisfied, and there could be a difference of ideals or values between yourself and a partner that needs to be worked out in order that you heal and grow closer.

On May 5th, the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio falls in your sector of home, nurturing, and your psychological roots. This is another powerful juncture, being an eclipse as well as a Full Moon, and might signal an emotional time that teaches you a lot about how important to you nurturing and inner security might be. You could wind up discussing deeply personal matters with someone close to you, or work on healing emotional blockages that have been in place for a while.

Venus ingresses into Cancer on May 7th corresponding to your twelfth sector of hidden matters, illusions, and inner work, and this event may bring a rather blissful feeling of timelessness to your partnerships, albeit with a slice of confusion or the need to delve more deeply into the relationship dynamic. You may occasionally feel apprehensive about your sense of inner security, but this is a wonderful time to learn to trust in the flow of life, especially in relationships that might otherwise rely more on structure and logistics.

On May 12th, the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius is colored by a very active and somewhat difficult set of aspects between Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. This can be confronting, emphasizing the internal seeking of the Mercury Retrograde period, and yet also help facilitate tremendous inner growth, a clearer understanding of where growth needs to occur, or perhaps some necessary deep conversations with those close to you. Whatever the experience, there can be lessons here as well of glimpses of what lies below the surface, provided that you lean in close to listen.

Mercury stations to direct motion on May 14th in your career sector. With Mercury standing dead still in the sky this represents one peak of the retrograde. You have likely given a lot of thought over the past three weeks or more as to how you can better align your career to your values. There may have been some changes in your career that are just now beginning to manifest, perhaps a new role that more fully aligns with your inner principles and can continue to provide income and sustainability. It would be good to approach any new ideas or intended path somewhat gradually, because during the two-week post-retrograde period extending to nearly the end of the month, while Mercury is indeed direct, it is still shaky. There is a lingering influence that bides its time while you work to integrate the recalibrating that took place while it was retrograde.

Jupiter ingresses into Taurus on May 16th in your tenth sector of career, achievement, and boundaries. There is a potential for expansion and growth in your business or career, although be mindful that Pluto’s influence from your sector of relationships and balance might be reason for cautioning you to approach any risks carefully and with ample dialogue with a partner or confidant before proceeding. Don’t hesitate to dream big in your career, though, because this transit has exactly that flair to it.

On Friday, May 19th, the New Moon lands in the late degrees of Taurus, again corresponding to your tenth sector of career, achievement, and boundaries. New beginnings are likely afoot for you in your career in some way. The most important thing to consider is how aligned your values are with that career, and whether or not your career can help you sustain the lifestyle you would like to live. Whatever happens or is shaping up to happen should be carefully contemplated before moving forward, because while the New Moon is generally a good time to set new intentions and start new endeavors, Mercury is still in the shadow period and so it might be a good idea to wait until at least the 21st to act upon those intentions, once Mars ingresses into Leo and the Sun ingresses into Gemini.

Mars moves into your sign, corresponding to your first sector of drive and initiative, on Sunday, May 20th, which means you are feeling ready to launch like a rocket into some exciting new journey in life. This is an extremely active time for you with Mars also square Jupiter and opposed to Pluto. As you integrate the recent meditative reflections on where your career might be heading, the fiery motivation and exhilaration of Mars in your sign will undoubtedly stoke the coals of your inner fires, urging you to go for whatever it is you truly desire. Due to Pluto and Jupiter’s direct influence, you might also want to be aware that your conceivably excessive eagerness doesn’t get the better of you by your jumping the gun and not thoroughly thinking through your plan before taking action.

The Sun’s ingress into Gemini on May 21st in your eleventh sector of friends, community, and higher aspirations can inspire you to reach for your ideals through networking within your community. With the other ingresses occurring around this time, you are already feeling a restless drive to accomplish and create something meaningful. The 27th can be somewhat stressful and yet also inspire further progress. The remainder of the May month is like a green light to start to talk amongst friends and colleagues about how you can create something new and exciting that helps improve your life, or the lives of others, or advances the quality of whatever community you are contributing to. Keep your eyes on the future and your heart centered.