Posted on March 30, 2013 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
It's a long road that has no turning, Leo, and you are more than ready for a change. Startlingly novel perspectives are emerging to provide you with the perfect opportunity to experiment. You are on an important verge. You have for many weeks been delving down deep inside yourself, into the secret and hidden places of your soul, searching for answers and finding partial ones, or just getting confused. The magic of existence has perhaps been right there at your fingertips all along, yet remained obscure. Starting now you are wrapping all your previous experience into a ball — a new kind of knowledge that you can roll with you into an amazing and colorfully altered set of potentials; a different future than what you had been visualizing, but still, somehow, the right one.
As the month begins, you are riding high with ideas and with a systematic dedication to bringing your inner world closer to your outer, and the depths of your unconscious process closer to consciousness. Especially since the very powerful Full Moon of the middle of the last week of March, you are opening up lines of internal communication and studying how best to make your mark on the world around you in a new way that is consistent with your highest ideals for yourself, going forward.
The prominent outer planet archetypes of Pluto, Saturn and Uranus in collision and collusion with each other are very active this month, suggesting that you along with everyone that you know is caught up in a pressure cooker of massive change. In your case, much of the transformative power for you lies in converting your everyday pursuits to a closer fit with what your spiritual process is attempting to convey to you as your true path; that is to say finding your actual dharma — the work in this world that you came into this lifetime to fulfill — in spite of the multiple distractions of ego and of the discouraging thought forms of the surrounding consensus.
With Uranus and five other planets placed in your sector of higher mind, it is the area of philosophical pursuits such as teaching, learning and even travel that have the most to offer. You are also very future-oriented right now, so that the opening is there for a more optimistic assessment of goals and plans that take such new perspectives into account. Optimism exceeds caution although both are present. Saturn is actively participating from its location in your fourth solar sector of home and family, and this implies holding back, so that you have plenty of both strategies in your current cosmic patterning. You are concentrating your intention on issues of family, dwelling space, and tribe in a way that could translate into a sense of isolation while you sort things out, but ultimately leads you to profound changes regarding this area of your life.
As you step tentatively forward into new ways of thinking and being, it is also possible that ancient trauma — perhaps stemming from early life and the inevitable conflicts with parental figures, or with siblings and peers — might arise to haunt you. There is a very real potential for these kinds of realizations now, as symbolized by the active presence of Chiron, the planetary archetype of the Wounded Healer, in your intimacy sector. This area of your solar chart refers as well back to your own inner explorations. It is with more complete self-knowledge and ultimately self-acceptance that you will find if not the antidote than at least the amelioration of the intensity of such wounding and its power to side-track you.