Aries Horoscope for April 2013

Posted on March 30, 2013 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an amazing and transformative month for you, Aries. You are full of energy as everything that was building comes together, like a compressed spring bouncing free. You potentially need to be wary of even too much exuberance and enthusiasm. In the midst of a complex month that includes unexpected shifts in the psychic weather, beware also of reactive responses to sudden twists and turns of fate. It might be better to withhold judgment over whether any particular event bodes good or ill; after all, the one can sometimes morph into the other with amazing rapidity. Good advice that never seems to go out of style comes from the Chinese sages of the Tao Te Ching when they make the claim that success and failure could be considered as equal ailments.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave from the powerful Full Moon from the end of last month that took place in your opposite sign. This Full Moon emphasized relationship considerations, and it might easily be that partnership activity of all varieties has seized your attention lately, along with the determination to embark upon a new way of doing things in this area of your life. There is a great determination within you now to buckle down and make important changes happen, and not in this area alone. There is also present within you a spiritual mandate that is urging you into taking a different track than business as usual, although it simultaneously feels scary to actually contemplate such a radical move.

In truth, the culture itself and all individuals within it, including yourself, are rapidly moving out of their comfort zone with the necessity for through-going changes and there is no way to predict what will be the result of these, as you head toward an uncertain future. It can of course also be exhilarating to recognize that your life will never be quite the same as a result of this transformational decade that we are now more fully entering into. You might want to buckle your seat belt because the configurations are heating up, and continue that way for most of the remainder of this year.

In specifics, you find that the way that you show up in the world of business and professional considerations, and the way that you exteriorize yourself in productive deed, is changing radically in accordance with perspective shifts resulting from equally radical learning curve that you and everyone you know are currently engaged in. On the relating front, you might discover that this affects not only relationships with friends, intimate contacts and business partners also, but your depth relationship with yourself as well. There is a sense of isolation and loss of illusion that leads you to a more thorough investigation of what makes you tick from the inside out. This is coupled with intense intuitional realizations that come to you rapid-fire these days, and that lead you further to the inside, and closer to the truth, as you can make head space for these bolts from the blue and allow yourself to feel into the possibility that the information could be accurate, even if it does seem to fly in the face of logic.

In the midst of rapid change, there is certainly the potential for pulling back at least a little; but the truth is that the only genuinely productive thing to do is to get out of your own way and prepare to relax and enjoy the ride. This is easier said than done, although any form of movement in this general direction is likely to be on the right track for you.