Scorpio Horoscope for December 2022

Posted on November 30, 2022 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another in an ongoing series of transformational months for you, Scorpio. You might have to exercise almost double vision in order to see the world as ordinary, filled with normal pursuit of finances and the creative fulfillment, with yet a mystical side having consequences for your greater life purpose. Following in the wake of the recent extremely potent Scorpio eclipse season, Mars, your ruler, is moving in retrograde motion through your sector of personal evolution and intimate connection with others. These non-ordinary realizations might reach a peak of new understanding with the December 7th Full Moon. You are meeting Other in a new way, that calls you back to what is going on beneath the surface layers of your psyche. This is even more than with respect to the ordinary world of getting and spending. As you develop internally you are pulled to your values in a deep way that may well prove to represent a new phase of your existence. To the extent that you can remain open to it, you are seeking an internal moral compass that brings to you a truer picture of what you are currently up to that you ever would have formerly recognized.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

December opens amid Sagittarius Season with the Sun, Venus, and Mercury bringing a hopeful and enthusiastic influence. The Sagittarius New Moon from last month took place on November 23rd and colors the first three weeks of December. This New Moon signaled momentum to the part of your chart that relates to your resources, your income, and your sense of values. Jupiter in that New Moon configuration was emphasized by its station to direct motion, coincident with the New Moon timing, and the most optimistic reading of this event implies that your creative talents and your imagination could be rewarded in some ways so that there may be opportunities emerging that help you generate a greater income for yourself while doing what you love. This remains as well a thoughtful time of introspection and potential transformational adjustment, with Mars retrograde in Gemini and trine Saturn. A moral component that appeals to your most sincere interior principles and values might play a role also in the story of this monthly cycle. You could find yourself surveying your choices with an eye to committed intention and in this way refusing to entirely endorse particular choices that have seemed allowable in the past. Situations can be in a state of flux and your ability to stay flexible while keeping your hands on the steering wheel could make the difference between realizing a vision versus wasting your precious energy on an unworkable approach that no longer satisfies. Discernment may be your best ally and you may be able to have your cake and eat it too if you plan accordingly.

On the 3rd of December, Neptune stations direct in Pisces while forming a square with Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius, coloring the first weekend of the month with romantic yet elusive influences. Escapist tendencies could be highlighted if the otherworldly influences of Neptune have no constructive channels to move through. Music and poetry might have a special sway on you and this could be a particularly inspiring week if you are artistically inclined.

Mercury enters Capricorn on the 6th which may allow you to manage your time and your schedule more efficiently in the coming weeks. The right measure of flexibility combined with the discipline to push through should help you stay on track and get a lot done.

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 7th is quite interesting in that the Moon forms an exact conjunction with Mars moving retrograde in Gemini. This may be an important marker in the month, especially for available resources and the contracts or agreements that bind you to others. Intimate and business partnerships could come into focus and you may need to address pre-existing issues that you have been trying to ignore. It might be a good idea to get your finances or taxes in order before the end of the year and make sure you know where you stand financially. This Full Moon could highlight pre-existing issues and bring out frustrations if things are less than satisfactory with someone. The Full Moon forms a square to Neptune in Pisces which means you may have to wait a little bit longer before seeing the situation clearly.

Venus enters Capricorn on the 9th joining Mercury already transiting there so that you might be able to expect the pace of your everyday life to increase significantly as you progress through December. Time management could be the secret to your success and you may have to sort out your priorities in order to stay on top of things. You have a lot of things working for you this month but time-wasting habits might make the difference between reaching long-term goals or simply wasting time and energy toward instant gratification without lasting results.

The Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune mid-month, from the 13th to the 15th, which may continue to bring a somewhat confusing influence, particularly for financial, creative, or romantic affairs, and discernment connotes to be your best ally.

Jupiter returns to the Fire sign of Aries on the 20th which should bring an optimistic, constructive, and revitalizing influence for organization and productivity; this can be seen as well as a more positive sense of life mission.

The Sun enters the sign of Capricorn on the 21st which signals the Capricorn Solstice and in the Northern Hemisphere the beginning of winter. Because the Sun is exactly square to positive and expansive vibration of Jupiter, newly arrived in Aries, there is a building of enthusiasm for the day-to-day organizational side of life, and for your communications that lasts through to the end of the year, and beyond.

On December 23rd, the Capricorn New Moon arrives two days later in the very early degrees of the sign while forming a dynamic square with Jupiter in Aries. These two Cardinal signs carry a lot of initiating energy and for you, it may have a lot to do with how you spend your time and manage your schedule. You might have some added responsibilities that require you to get better organized and perhaps let go of some of your bad habits. There is a lot of momentum available for you to succeed if you put your mind to it and minor adjustments to your schedule could make all the difference.

As the end of the month approaches, Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th in close conjunction with Venus, therefore moving in a backward direction through the zodiac until January 18th, and only escaping its retrograde shadow by February 7th. Venus rules your partnership sector and this extreme focus on the introspective retrograde period in collaboration with relationships might give you a thoughtful time next month for thinking about many factors in your life including your relationship dynamic. This time might help in adjusting your stance and re-assessing the ways you do things so that in the end you can be the most productive while also enjoying your time, as you enter the second month of the 2023 year.