Posted on April 30, 2021 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This month marks an important turning point, Virgo. You are being pulled to the inside in order to acquaint yourself more fully with yourself, at deep levels. It could be that old wounds might come up, the residue of poorly digested early childhood trauma, which have become lodged deep within you, without a glimpse of conscious recognition. To succeed down there you have to see the light from a different source and go with your gut intuition. You are feeling a push-pull of circumstances involving a degree of personal sacrifice, as you take on responsibilities of service to others and yet also further, and deeper, explorations of inner values and guiding principles. The Taurus New Moon, on May 11th, sees a kind of internal tug of war emerging within you where caution prevails until it suddenly doesn’t; this while the Moon and Neptune provide their own fuzzy logic to the situation, supporting heartful enterprise over routine ones. By month’s end, with the lunar eclipse that is taking place on the 26th, you are riding a big wave in both your public ventures and your private imaginings.
The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
The powerful Aries New Moon that took place in mid-April is still a factor for you for the beginning of this current month may have brought a sense of awareness regarding the resources and obligations that come from your close partnerships. This recent beginning of a new kind of dynamic is prompting you to reflect on your autonomy versus what can be accomplished with the support of others. You could be feeling a mixture of frustration and resolve especially if you are trying to branch out on your own but can’t quite seem to get there without the help of someone else.
Also, at the very beginning of May, the volatile conjunction between the Sun and Uranus in Taurus could still be bringing some new and surprising elements for you to contend with. There are likely to be new doors opening while other ones are closing just as fast, and it might be difficult to know where to focus your energy. Your desire to learn, expand your skills, and experiment is more present then ever at the beginning of the month. You may have to be more selective about where you invest your efforts at the risk of scattering yourself into too many directions.
Then, on the 3rd, Mercury enters Gemini and will be transiting in your vocational sector until the middle of July. This may represent the beginning of a busier time for you and the more you can structure your time now, the better off you will be in a couple of weeks. Venus enters Gemini a few days later on the 8th bringing a lot of momentum to the career sector of your chart. You may feel scattered or forced to attend to a lot of tedious details but the more you can clearly define your objectives in 2021, the more likely you can get everything done.
The Taurus New Moon arrives on the 11th in the sign of your vision sector. With all that energy at the top of your chart, the shape of your ambitions could start to take a tangible form. The New Moon is sextile to Neptune in Pisces which may boost your creativity and support the envisioning of ambitious goals. This New Moon offers a rich compost in which to plant your most ambitious ideas.
Jupiter enters the sign of Pisces on the 13th gracing your relationship sector for the next 10 weeks. Jupiter is considered quite happy and at home here and could offer new opportunities or positive developments in connection with others. Jupiter will leave Pisces and re-enter Aquarius on July 28th before officially returning to his home sign of Pisces at the end of 2021. Jupiter in Pisces brings its good faith to the relationship sector of your chart which may help mend a broken heart or lend its support for your existing connections.
The Sun enters Gemini on the 20h of May joining Mercury and Venus already transiting in your career sector. If you thought you were getting busy at the beginning of the month you could be in for more of the same once the Sun moves into Gemini and immediately start squaring Jupiter. The Sun squaring Jupiter could increase your opportunities to socialize or simply add more pressure to your already busy schedule. You may have a tendency to say yes to everything but it's a good time to keep a sense of proportion especially since Mercury in Gemini comes into a square with Neptune a few days later on the 23rd throwing a confusing fog into the mix.
On Wednesday, May 26th, facts and fiction could collide as the first lunar eclipse of the year arrives in the sign of Sagittarius, corresponding to your home and family sector. This Full Moon -- which is being actively eclipsed – could be highlighting your foundation and might hark back to a process that began at the end of last year. With mobility and travel being more difficult in the world, your priorities may also be shifting. You could be thinking about relocating or investing more time and resources in creating a home for yourself. There could be a question mark in regards to what home means as this first eclipse of the year continues to shake up your foundations and forces you to rethink where you want to be.
Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini on the 29th still in a pretty close square to Neptune in Pisces auguring confusion or deception. This might not be directly transpiring in your life but the events or the information coming through at the end of May could be misleading. Use discrimination if you have to make important decisions in the next couple weeks as you may be forced to revise your plans later. Mercury in Gemini will turn direct on June 22nd, and finally escape its retrograde shadow in the first full week of July, and the time between now and then could be spent refining the smaller details of a project or projects that you are attached to.