Posted on March 31, 2021 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is a key month for you, Pisces, when you will continue to seek the secret of your true identity, but find no answer until you confront what you have on the inside, that is uniquely your own. You are engaged in prioritizing your future path. The surface consciousness where you pursue life’s everyday tasks rests on a darker and deeper foundation as you well know; and to find your true power you must explore these depths. Intimations of inner wounding have been present to you, and represent a doorway to what is within; dark places that benefit from your meeting tem halfway, so that can give them your acceptance and your loving attention. The New Moon of April 11th makes for a change in the energy, allowing your deep diving to continue but with far greater studied purpose. When you can ask yourself what ultimately motivates you, deep down, you are on the right track. Intuition and deeper purpose are your guideposts to discovering your true mission for this lifetime as you can come to understand it in your present stage. Thus you can make your actions count for your future self and for your evolutionary progress toward what you are becoming.
The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
The New Moon in Pisces mid-March signaled the beginning of a fresh cycle for you. You may have felt a sense of renewal permeating the last few weeks with fresh energy for what you want to accomplish in the next year. Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces is still transiting in your soul sector for another month and a half which means you could be feeling like a butterfly on the verge of hatching. You have a lot of ambitious goals simmering and you may be on the verge of some daring moves but you may still be feeling somewhat introspective or quiet especially in the first ten days of April.
Mercury leaves your sign and enters the sign of Aries on the late evening of the 3rd joining the Sun and Venus already transiting here. What you have available to you may be highlighted while these three planets transit in Aries. Your resources, your financial situation and more extensively your worth are all emphasized. It could be a good time to negotiate your pay or do a budget to know what's available to you, and how much you will need to realize your projects.
There may be some assets available to you from a family member or it could be that you can cut down on your expenses by rearranging your living situation. Mercury in Aries is in mutual reception with Mars in Gemini, corresponding to your home and family sector, until the 23rd, linking your financial situation with either your family or your base of operations itself. There could be a special way these two themes are linked together that comes active over the next few weeks.
Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries on the 8th and 9th can also highlight some material concerns. You may be unsure about the cost of a project, or money you were expecting could be delayed. There is some confusion thus indicated around this second weekend of the month, especially with domestic or financial matters. Things should get clarified by the New Moon in Aries which arrives on the 11th and signals the beginning of a fresh cycle in connection with your resources and what is available to you. Prioritizing may feel difficult, however, as Jupiter is still transiting in your soul-sector creating a bit of a dichotomy between your material aspiration and what you seek to achieve in a broader sense with your life. You may have to tap into your pragmatic side to delineate an action plan.
Once Venus enters Taurus on the 14th your propensity to spend could decrease, which could help you focus on the essential. Taurus corresponds to your solar third house of communication and outreach, and Venus there could bring more interactions with close friends and less time to indulge on things you don’t really need.
Beginning with the 16th and the 17th, the third weekend of April brings a host of supportive influence which may relate to your career or your finances. More extensively, there may be good news relating to a family member or your home. Mercury conjuncts the Sun in Aries for its superior conjunction that weekend as well, which is thought of as a purifying moment for the star of Hermes ( Mercury). This Mercury Cazimi in Aries may bring positive developments in terms of your finance or good news that boost your confidence.
Mercury and the Sun enter the sign of Taurus on the 19th, signaling the beginning of a busier season for you. You may find yourself socializing more or sharing your opinion more openly. You could feel a certain level of restlessness permeating your mind and it may be a good time to put your ideas on paper. You may feel like it's harder to compromise as the Sun, Mercury, and Venus transiting in Taurus highlights your more stubborn streaks. The last ten days of April could test your patience in terms of getting what you or perhaps especially getting others to hear what you are saying. People might challenge your opinions in unexpected ways; and this is even though you know what you’re talking about.
Mars in Cancer starting from the 23rd of April could bring out your more passionate side and boost your self-confidence. Mars stays in the sign of Cancer until June 11th. Your children or your creative projects will be highlighted during this period and you could feel more in tune with your desires.
The Scorpio Full Moon culminates on the late evening of the 26th, shining light on a vision or a learning journey you’ve been working hard to bring to life. You may have reached a certain point in your path where you feel secure in what you know. While there is still so much to learn, you may be graduating in some sense from a difficult philosophical effort that you’ve had to make in the last year. You might therefore be able to reflect on a recent trajectory that you have accomplished at this time, and congratulate yourself on the wisdom you’ve gained from the experience.