Posted on October 30, 2020 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is an important month for you, Pisces, and for getting your act together. The recent retrogrades of personal planets have had the effect of causing you to deeply meditate on your principles, and how to more fully embody them in actions. As both Mercury and then Mars turn to direct motion this month, things might begin to become more clear. Important partners in your life have also been providing you with an increase in insight. Intimacy with others is another major theme, implying a better connection also within yourself, and with hidden levels of your psyche. You are concerned at this time, as you have been for many weeks and months, with interactions involving your social setting, and the manner in which you seek to take a more active line in support of your most sincere values. During the month’s second half, your evolving beliefs and worldview that are background to these fundamental soul-level endeavors come to the foreground of all your thoughts and deeds.
The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
November opens a day after a rut-busting Full Moon in Taurus that may have brought important dialogues to the surface. You could also be questioning your self-worth at the beginning of the month while Venus in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries. You find yourself in any case in a process of depth exploration since the recent mid-October New Moon in Libra, which was very powerful for you. This has also been on your radar since Chiron entered Aries back in 2018, and more acutely since Mars entered Aries last July. This transit of Venus in Libra could also be highlighting how you could be overly accommodating for others while undermining your own needs. You are however willing to compromise to make something work and Venus in Libra could be augmenting this tendency.
Mercury stationing direct in the sign of Libra on the 3rd can bring clarity around your personal boundaries. Learning to say no is not easy, but it’s a superpower that can save you a lot of grief in the long run. Since this is an issue that keeps coming up, it may be time to acknowledge the risk of losing the plot against someone who doesn’t have your best intentions in mind. The time has come to sharpen your sword and cut through the crap if you want to keep your peace of mind. This all may become extremely obvious by November 9th when Venus in Libra opposes Mars retrograde in Aries. You may find yourself caught between personal values and incompatible behaviors from someone you care about. Relationships are the stage where we enact our contradictions. On one hand we need love; while on the other hand we need someone who ignites our passions. These two modalities are not always compatible, and the opposition between Venus and Mars on the 9th could highlight this polarization.
On November 12th, Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn makes for a powerful aspect that could arouse power and obsession. This could play out at large in your world or within you. Your drive to succeed may be stronger than usual at this time, and it may be important to keep a sense of proportion. Finding the proper channels for your drive may be half the battle. Once you put your mind on the task at hand you could be unstoppable. Mars stationing direct in Aries in your financial sector on the 13th creates another incentive to stay focused on your goals, and apply your energy to your work. You can gain a lot of perspective by simply stepping out of your comfort zone in the mid-November timeframe.
The New Moon in Scorpio takes place late evening of the 14th, or early morning on the 15th, and may open up new opportunities, ones you hadn’t thought about until now. You could be feeling a renewed sense of faith in your work and in your overall direction. This New Moon is an invitation to cross onto unbeaten pathways by challenging some of your fears, or by breaking your own outdated taboos when it comes to what you think you know about the world. If you truly want to break free from any rut you happen to be in, this implies that there is no more room for assuming things are always going to be the same. Stepping out of your comfort zone means being open to a change. This represents a potent reset, and a time to recommit to trusting that you may not know anything. Be open to receive the information that is trying to get to you and that allows you to bring yourself back home to yourself.
Venus enters Scorpio on the 21st, followed by the Sun entering into Sagittarius, reaffirming the need you may currently have to get out of your comfort zone. Venus in Scorpio highlights your love of learning, while the Sun in Sagittarius until December 21st illuminates your vocational trajectory. You may be feeling a certain level of dissatisfaction or disillusion with the pursuit of a big dream you thought you wanted. You may need to adjust your sails to the current weather. The world is changing rapidly which is forcing you to assess the territory of your ambitions. You may also be lacking the sense of perspective needed to make a big decision right now with so much uncertainty in the world. Venus in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus on the 27th could find you playing around with a few crazy ideas, and Neptune stationing direct in Pisces on the 28th should help rekindle your inspiration for the months that follow.
The Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Gemini on November 30th, in the early morning hours, could bring new or sudden developments regarding your home base or where you want to be in the world. You win when you can stay open to opportunities presenting themselves at this time. A wind of change is blowing, and even though it may be hard to see it right now, things will start to change.