Virgo Horoscope for October 2020

Posted on September 30, 2020 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You continue with the ongoing transformation of your creativity and your self-expression, Virgo. Your quest is really about self-definition, the way that you come across to others, and even more importantly, the way that you have been evolving for how you see yourself. With your ruler, Mercury, going into its retrograde cycle mid-October, specifically the 13th, you are also re-thinking and re-imagining these issues of identity, and also the way that this manifests in your work and career, the outer world manifestation of who you are. Your higher mind inspiration is also working overtime, informing your investigations from a subtle and intuitional standpoint. You are idealizing your creative productions and also to a large extent important partners, tending to put them on something of a pedestal. Here’s hoping that they don’t wind up exhibiting feet of clay and falling off. All this month and through to the end of the next you are searching within yourself for answers and sometimes even for the awareness to frame the right questions.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Full Moon in Aries at the beginning of the month highlights your close partnerships, and the contracts and agreements you have within them. There may be a culmination or new insights regarding a scenario that emerged in the Spring. You may feel a pressure to stick with something because it helps you get ahead even though you may also be tempted to break it off. It may be easier to stick with the benefits of an arrangement versus trying to break it off. The Full Moon is also conjoined to Chiron, often associated in astrology with vulnerability and healing. These themes reign high as the Moon rises at the beginning of the month. You may be trying to understand your role in a partnership and if something is not well balanced, the Full Moon makes it clear. There could be a recalibration needed regarding the give and takes of a scenario that involves someone else.

On October 2nd Venus enters Virgo gracing your sign with charm and connectivity. Venus will spend most of October in Virgo, there helping you connect to your desires. The recent Virgo New Moon from mid-September signaled the beginning of a new chapter regarding your personal needs. It’s time to think about yourself, what you want, and where you are heading. Learning to prioritize yourself is a lifelong journey, and it could feel easier this month to put yourself first. Taking care of your body and finding ways to pamper yourself are just a few of the ways you can work with Venus in your sign.

Mercury in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus on the 7th could bring a few busy days leading to the Last Quarter Moon in Cancer on the 9th. You may be pulled in many directions but you can also get a lot accomplished. You may find yourself entertaining big dreams during this second weekend of October, especially when Venus trines Uranus in your vision sector on the 10th. Partnership might feel idealized at this timing, and romance could be in the air. It’s a good time to think beyond your current situation.

Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio on the 13th and will be retrograde until November 3rd, even two weeks longer when you take the retrograde shadow period into account. This retrograde takes place in your communication sector, and may force you to address important issues in that regard. Exchanging idea with others could feel heavier than usual, or more internal. The underbelly of certain dynamics might get exposed. The next few weeks could be a good time to address difficult topics that you would rather ignore, or that had been swept under the carpet in prior situations.

The New Moon arrives on the 16th of October, in the sign of Libra, heralding the beginning of a different approach in connection with your finances. It could be that your values are changing and so are your allegiance. How you make your money and where you spend it is changing as you try to dedicate more time to your personal project. There could be confusion related to your finances, or these could be related to an important partner in your life. You may need to put some extra hours in order to realize an ambitious creative vision but you could already be feeling the shapes of things to come. There is a certain amount of pressure or resistance you will need to push through to establish more financial autonomy for yourself and this New Moon may be the beginning of this process.

Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus again on the 20th as it moves retrograde. You may have to revise some plans that were laid out at the beginning of the month due to a surprising new element, or something may be pushing you out of your comfort zone forcing you to rethink a situation. Be prepared for deep conversations to continue as the Sun moves in Scorpio from 22nd to November 21st. The Sun in Scorpio highlights the communication sector of your chart and joins Mercury who has already been busy excavating juicy details as it moves retrograde.

Mercury re-enters Libra on the 27th followed by Venus only a few moments later emphasizing your financial sector. Mercury and Venus in Libra at the end of the month also brings focus to your values or what you attribute worth to. You may be presented with a difficult choice or an ethical dilemma.

The Full Moon in Taurus on the 31st of October shines on your mystical and philosophical aspirations. A recent learning journey is highlighted, and there could be exciting new options emerging. Your intuitional sense of perspective is greatly heightened now due to the Full Moon being in close conjunction with Uranus. The potential for expansion is there but you may be held back because of funding or travel restrictions. Venus in Libra rules over the Full Moon and seems to suggest that a financial risk or backing is necessary for you to expand beyond your current circumstances.