Virgo Horoscope for February 2013

Posted on February 1, 2013 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an amazing month for you, Virgo. You are enjoying life in general and feasting on your relationship dynamic in particular. Things are likely to be going well for you these days in terms of your outer world pursuits, which are both fortunate and spiritually motivated. Surprises abound, and the flow of brilliant ideas is constantly renewing itself. This is also an incredibly active month for the key relationship in your life, both business and personal. Your participation in this important area is idealized, potentially painful and a bit confusing. The higher purpose is that you explore more fully your inner connection with your own deep process. Toward month's end you are likely to be spending loads of time with concentrated visioning – and revisioning – of what relationship, for you, is all about.

As the month begins, you are still finding your way forward in the wake of the potent Full Moon from the last weekend of the previous month that took place in your sector of dream imagination and inner work. This was a powerful event, and had the symbolic effect of tuning you in even more closely to feelings emanating from sensitive interior realms. You are finding renewed strength to move forward with outer world agendas, and with enthusiasm, but this inner focus is even more important and underlies outer world successes.

You are have been over these past few weeks finding new ways of being in the world and for the exercise of your self-expression, while still remaining aware of the potential power of your inner world. You are intent on some subtle learning that captures your mind and renders your communication serious and focused as you concentrate all your attention on how you handle your interpersonal relationships, and how these might need to change as part of your current growth spurt.

Your ruler, Mercury, Joins Mars and Neptune in your relationship sector, and will retrograde there beginning on February 23rd. The Mercury Retrograde period of time varies in its effects and this one promises to be a rather strong example. The caveat would be if you yourself were born with Mercury Retrograde, since folks with this configuration natally do not seem to notice any difference. Otherwise you are likely to be in for about thirty days of missed connections, mechanical breakdowns that affect you personally, and a more meditative frame of mind that is great for journaling and reflecting on your situation, while not so good for taking direct action.

From the time of the February 9th New Moon onward, you might begin to feel some of this contemplative attitude beginning to emerge, as your deeper feelings continue making themselves known that emphasize inner over outer priorities.

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With the Last Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 3rd, you are likely to run into a few snags in your process which is essentially one of self-revitalization. Partners come into the picture as well right now, as an adjunct to your own transformation, and you also may be becoming more aware of a sea-change in how you conceive your mission statement in this world. You are reassessing past events with new priorities in mind. Your optimism and your sense of idealism is running high, so that at this particular juncture you might stumble upon the need to take practicalities more fully into the equation.

The New Moon of late Saturday evening, February 9th, brings you fresh energy for your purpose. It is not too much of a stretch to say that what is ultimately involved is soul purpose rather than anything of the more mundane kind, although this varies with circumstances. Everything that you do, even at the most superficial level, is after all connected to your deeper sense of mission, and you are developing more conscious recognition of this fact.

This is also a time when significant relationships in your life might surprise you, since there is definitely a huge focus there. If reactivity comes up, this might actually be a positive manifestation depending on how you look at it. Issues of interpersonal communication and connection that bring up dysfunctional behavior based on old wounds are revealing themselves so that you can acknowledge the dark places within you, better accepting yourself in the process.

The First Quarter Moon that takes place a week later, on Sunday, February 17th, is equally likely to bring up a few bumps on the road to your eventual progress. This feels like running into a wall, but the barrier is built from thought forms so that there can be a magical third way that leads you through. Your ruler, Mercury, is preparing to station in your relationship sector, so that you are applying a more thoughtful eye to everything around you and especially to intimate partnerships in your life. You are on the verge of important breakthrough leading to a new relationship dynamic altogether.

The Full Moon taking place in your sign on Monday, February 25th, is extremely powerful, and alerts you to new attitudes that are forming within you. Career and professional life is a big factor in the following several weeks as you come into some new understandings there, and a greater sense of responsibility also. This important period of time brings partners into greater focus and has the effect as well of simultaneously taking you further inside yourself where the true answers are to be found. This is an important pause point – as you continue to sort through your own higher purpose agendas – because Mercury in retrograde brings an opportunity to step back as re-assess. This condition does not completely normalize until nearly the end of March although the energy definitely shifts somewhat with the station of Mercury to direct motion on March 17th.