Posted on July 31, 2020 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
In the aftermath, Virgo, of the thoughtful retrograde of Mercury, your ruler, this month finds you making adjustments. You are experiencing, like many, a mixed bag of plusses and minuses, and you are bent on discovering a better future for yourself than what is currently in view. To this end your perspective on the world around you, and on your deepest values, is the key. The early going brings interior explorations more completely into view, along with a determination to make the best use of intuitive realizations of great merit. You remain in the midst of profound transformation, reaching to the core of your very being, and the secret lies in letting go of what no longer serves you, and to keep on letting go. The First Quarter Moon of August 25th is right in your wheelhouse. If you are willing to take up the challenge of the cosmos, the invitation it brings provides an optimistic new way forward, as long as you can continue to recognize that change is life.
The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
Your attention over the last few weeks has been on your collaborations, and your community, continuing into the current month. Not that it’s been easy, but a lot has been revealed as the world gets more and more polarized. Navigating delicate situations around various beliefs is not always straightforward especially in the context of work. No one seems to agree on anything these days, but the world keeps on turning. With your ruler Mercury currently in the sign of Cancer, ideas and opinions have an underlying emotional charge. Mercury opposing Pluto in Capricorn on the 1st of August may bring to the surface mental tension that had remained hidden from you. You could find yourself obsessing over a situation, an idea or someone. However, Mercury opposing Saturn in the timing of the Full Moon, on the 3rd of August, indicates that you may hit a wall. You may find that all the riddling over a situation or a person is futile and your thinking may be more somber than usual. Let these feelings wash over you as much as possible, and remember that no situation is set in stone.
The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 3rd also calls your attention on the health of your body and mind. It is time to pay attention to the clear signals you are getting. All the recent thinking might have left you feeling isolated or depleted. Take time to zoom out of your current circumstances, and reconnect with your long-term goals. It may feel hard to see outside of your situation with all the responsibilities you have. However this time of the year – just before the Sun enters Virgo – is the perfect time to slow down and take stock. Mercury enters Leo on August 4th where it will travel swiftly before entering the sign of Virgo on August 19th. If you can schedule some time off in the next two weeks you may find that it does you a world of good. Listen to your intuition, and act upon the idea if you find that you crave more solitude and quiet time. Contemplation may help you later feel inspired, and provide you with the emotional fuel you need to keep going.
Venus enters Cancer on August 7th after spending four months in Gemini, or your career sector. Those long deliberations are over for a time. Venus in Cancer until September should help you find joy amidst like-minded people and bring more ease while interacting with others.
Mercury in Leo trines Chiron in Aries on the 9th, and squares Uranus in Taurus on the 10th, showing potential restlessness and being prone to new ideas. Your patience may be in short supply. Mercury trine Chiron may allow you to dig deeper into some feelings of inadequacy you have been experiencing although that requires an honest appraisal. Feelings of isolation combined with a desire to break free from your current circumstances are more than possible, leading up to the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus on the 11th. You may be craving greater freedom of action but you benefit from realizing that patience and resolve are also called for to get yourself through this time.
What binds you to others is highlighted mid-month as you become increasingly aware of the interdependency contained within the structures of your life. Mars in Aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn on the 12th and 13th can bring power struggles. If you are a creator or an artist there could be issues between a project and funding. You may desire more autonomy without being able to extricate yourself from a contract.
Mercury unites with the Sun in Leo on August 17th in a superior conjunction. This aspect brings illumination and could help you see a situation more clearly. You may gain a new perspective regarding a recent conundrum. Pay attention to clues or important messages coming through around the 17th. New information could help you decide on your next step.
The Leo New Moon of August 18th is another quite significant juncture, when you could become more aware of what is going on deep within you. You could feel slowed down almost to a crawl in your outer expression, and yet extremely energized for these inner matters, which in the long run could be more important. You are in a process of getting more clear about what you truly want.
Mercury enters Virgo on August 19th followed by the Sun on August 22nd officiating Virgo season. The Sun transiting in Virgo for the next month indicates a time of renewal especially relating to your overall direction, your desires, and your vitality.
There is still some tension indicated over these last two weeks of the month, especially with Mars in Aries squaring Saturn in Capricorn since the 18th, exact on the 24th. Delays in connection with funding, a creative project or complications around a contract or a partner’s assets are possible. What binds you to others could feel heavy but some good things can come out of your negotiations.
Venus in Cancer opposes Jupiter in Capricorn, and Mercury in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus in the First Quarter Moon of the 25th. There is therefore some positive news as well as a bit of ongoing angst for the very ending of your month.