Pisces Horoscope for July 2020

Posted on June 30, 2020 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another transformationally oriented month for you, Pisces, when there is a focus on your societal connection, favored groups or friendships, and future plans. These have been subject all this year to evolutionary changes. If one secret of life is to sense the direction your life is moving, and to head that way, you do well to pay careful attention to your developments in this important area. This of course reflects back upon what you are up to in this lifetime. You are still in some sense deciding what you want to be when you grow up, and yet you are getting closer all the time. As you continue to explore your possibilities, there could as well be greater consciousness emerging as to painful places inside, the residue of early childhood trauma, that still have the ability to trip you up. With your self-expression, and your artistic creativity, on the line and subject to studied introspection, you have everything to gain, and nothing to lose but your chains.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

As July gets underway, the very potent solar eclipse and New Moon in the sign of Cancer from the final ten days of June has had repercussions for you, and still does, affecting fifth house matters. Your creative self-expression, including romance and pleasure, takes on new energy and becomes a general focus for you during the fist three weeks of the July month. Then, Mercury Retrograde conjoined the Sun in Cancer at the very end of June, shedding momentary clarity on things that have become confused or redefined during the retrograde period that began in the last half of June. You thus begin the month of July feeling a wider sense of possibilities opening up in front you after a period of limited vision. You might feel confused as to what to prioritize. You are also experiencing a change of perspective on recent dilemmas in order to get over a dead-end situation.

On the July 1st, Saturn retrogrades back into the sign of Capricorn emphasizing your social engagement and your future plans. You could be called upon to attend responsibilities at work that had been put on hold in the recent months. The need to assess the roles you play in your community will be felt again while Saturn moves back into Capricorn until December. With your traditional ruler, Jupiter, currently in Capricorn you will feel naturally inclined to accept work that is being offered, and to transform your relationship to your outer presentation to be more in tune with your core values. Your attention is also moving towards social service, and your participation in a broader context.

The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 4th highlights your position and calls you back to the task of bringing support to your community. Your aspirations are currently colored by a sense of unity and devotion thanks to Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces, more or less exact for all of July. With both the traditional and modern rulers of Pisces aspecting each other positively, you are naturally altruistic right now, magnifying your better qualities. You must be mindful however not to devote yourself to any lost causes. It will be easier for others to take advantage of your kindness at this time. It is important to use discrimination when choosing whom, where, and what to devote your attention to.

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer on July 8th squares Mars in Aries carrying tension between your endeavors and what they are costing you. You could feel conflicted about pouring more money and energy into a pet project. Mars in Aries for the next six months, due to his retrograde in September, brings power and mojo to your finances. However, Mars energy can be impulsive. It’s important during this period to take a deliberate approach with financial matters, as you are more likely to act on impulse and might regret it later.

On July 11th Chiron stations retrograde in Aries, while the Moon and Mars conjoin it, followed by the Last Quarter Moon taking place on July 12th. This lunation is calling your attention to recent expenses, and more extensively your budget. Painful awareness of lack regarding your approach to financial matters could arise and it is vital not to let it derail you. It is important to take this time to assess your situation realistically. Mercury stations direct in Cancer on July 12th, and will begin to loosen its grip little by little, so that you have eventually greater cosmic support to help you better balance finance and leisure.

Mid-July you are called to equally divide your attention between social obligations, and your own personal projects, which could be easier said than done. Your creative ideas are bringing you greater pleasure but that cannot happen without you attending your pre-existing engagements.

The New Moon in Cancer on July 20th is opposing Saturn in Capricorn and highlights a divide between pleasure and your creative expression on the one hand, and on the other your sense of duty. You are being asked at this time to accept and attend to your heavier responsibilities as these are the supporting your dreams. The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd, and for the next thirty days the Sun in Leo will gradually shine its light on your daily routine and the health adjustments required to reach optimal vitality.

As Venus in Gemini retraces in forward motion the steps she just covered in June, this leads to another square with Neptune in Pisces, beginning on July 25th. Interestingly, this is the same aspect that initiated her retrograde back in the beginning of May. Neptune offers idealization and poetic longing which often leads to disillusionment or disappointment later down the road once Neptune’s veils are lifted off. This could be felt most strongly during the week following.

The First Quarter Moon, in Scorpio, taking place on July 27th, colors the last week of July. Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces, while Jupiter in Capricorn is still sextile Neptune. Romantic scenarios are in a state of flux. Venus square Neptune is not entirely negative but caution has to be taken when judging the potential of a relationship or a domestic situation. There could be factors missing from the equation or it could be difficult to see a situation for what it is. It is wise to take some time to contemplate your options, and this First Quarter Moon on July 27th allows you to do just that by broadening your sense of possibilities.