Pisces Horoscope for February 2020

Posted on January 31, 2020 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This month is a mystical one for you, Pisces, stoking your essentially spiritual sense of your identity. The recent Aquarius New Moon stimulated your sector of unconscious process and inner work, and you are prone to investigations of what lies beyond ordinary waking awareness. Your dreams might provide you with more relevant information than your mailbox. In the timing of the powerful Leo Full Moon of late evening of February 8th, the call of discipleship to your Higher Self is strong; you are drawn a greater dedication to deep soul intention, as you can come to it. Mercury turns retrograde in your sign on the 16th, and stays in that mode for the entire last half pf the month and on into March, which could lead to introspection and second-guessing yourself, or to potent conclusions of a very different kind. As you seek connection with who, at base, you really are, you do well to remember that nothing in that endeavor is too strange to be grist for your mill.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

As the month begins, Venus is still gracing your sign for another week, endowing you with extra charisma to charm even the grumpiest of cats. Then, Venus sextile Pluto in Capricorn on February 2nd and 3rd brings a desire for profound interactions with others. Pluto can have an obsessive quality so don’t be surprised if you find yourself suddenly smitten by an acquaintance, although Venus sextile Saturn in Capricorn in roughly this same timeframe could be limiting as well, and could also bring up your responsibilities within an organization. The need to adjust your stance and delineate your responsibilities could be required. With these intense transits, your tendency to constantly give while sacrificing your well being could become more obvious. It would therefore be a good time to set clear boundaries or at least discuss them. Your participation in your community is much appreciated, and still, there is no reason for you to nail yourself to the cross.

Mercury enters your sign, also on the 3rd, where it will eventually station retrograde on February 16th; your communication, your thought process and the way you express yourself will be highlighted. On February 4th and 5th, Mercury sextiles Uranus in Taurus, an aspect that will occur again on March 21st. Pay attention to revolutionary ideas or projects being discussed at the beginning of the month. You could have an ingenious idea or an innovative solution that can be taken to the next level. Since this aspect will take place again towards the end of March, it could be that it needs more time to gestate before it is ready to be applied.

On February 7th Venus leaves your sign and moves into Aries where she will highlight your finances for the next month.

The Full Moon takes place in the sign of Leo on February 8th/9th. This Full Moon illuminates your health, habits and the mind-body connection. Recent changes that have taken place in regards to your self-care routine and eating habits could start to show. This will be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your level of discipline and how you have been taking care of yourself.

Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries on February 10th, which could bring discussion around money and partnerships. A tricky terrain to walk on, however much resolve is available with the proper mindset. Creativity, finances, pleasure, and partnerships are big themes this month as you try to reconcile your own trajectory with the trajectory of others.

Mercury stations retrograde in your sign on February 16th (until March 9th) signaling the beginning of a huge revision regarding how you express yourself, your ideas, and the way they are received by others. The next three weeks are your opportunity to clarify your intentions so that you can be better understood. Your ruler Jupiter transiting in Capricorn this year is forcing you to become more pragmatic. This is not a bad thing; however it is not your usual mode of operation. The emphasis of planets transiting in Earth signs means that logical structures and long term planning is favored. This is taking you outside of your usual flow state and into something that can initially feel as perhaps a little too rigid. You have everything you need to succeed so that it might be just a matter of adjusting your mindset. Mars enters Capricorn on the same day that Mercury station retrograde. Mars in Capricorn will bring you much needed power for strategizing and long term planning.

The Sun enters your sign on February 18th signaling the beginning of a new cycle of growth for you. This time of year is a powerful time when the light of the Sun revitalizes your sense of self. The wisdom and the experience of the last year can now be integrated to make space for a fresh start. There is a definite shift occurring at the beginning of this new decade that offers many possibilities for restructuring. With Jupiter, your traditional ruler, transiting in earthy Capricorn, the focus of these changes will be mostly linked to your material reality.

February 20th to 23rd could be very busy for you with back and forth conversations about the innovations and ideas you are trying to implement within a group. Your role could be quite significant in this process and your opinions needed. The New Moon on February 23rd takes place in your sign. This New Moon represents a new cycle of growth regarding your place in the world, how you see yourself, and where you want to be. With Mercury still retrograde in Pisces as well, however, things might take their time coming into realization. There could be many opportunities on the horizon to increase your influence within an organization. Finances will be part of that equation so make sure you are getting compensated for what you are worth. More responsibility doesn’t always means more money; you might have to fight for what you deserve. The clearer you are, the happier your bank account will be down the road.

Mercury and the Sun will meet in the sign of Pisces for their inferior conjunction on February 25th. This is an important marker in the Mercury Retrograde cycle that could eventually bring greater clarity regarding yourself and your needs. This month of February is a significant monthly cycle for you of the Pisces persuasion, leading to necessary changes in outlook and goals when you have the stamina to stay the course.