Pisces Horoscope for January 2020

Posted on January 1, 2020 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is for you an important month of self-development, Pisces, with good progress and benefits assured; although you will have to learn to gauge this by what your heart tells you, rather than by merely logical means. Your intuition is powerful now, and reveals itself to the extent that you can trust yourself to lean on it. Inner wounding stemming from early trauma might also arise, if so, for the purpose of moving beyond it. The powerful Capricorn lineup in your sector of societal involvement and future plans implies a huge focus in this area – especially in the timing of the utterly climactic lunar eclipse of January 10th – with visible alteration in your friendships, groups you favor, and your general attitude toward what you are actually up to in this life. The resources that you require, both physical and non-physical, are lining up to your advantage, with the implication that only your truest internal values will prove valid as your guiding lights.

The following was written by our new resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Happy New Year Pisces! 2020 arrives while you are very busy socializing and gallivanting around various social gatherings fulfilling obligations and making public appearances. The first half of January will continue to have a relatively fast tempo as you make your rounds. Mars entering Sagittarius on January 3rd brings focus on your career, vocation and public persona and perhaps challenging you to take on more work while also giving you more stamina to get it done. The stellium of planets currently transiting in Capricorn are all in a supportive sextile to your sign, enabling you to find traction and grounding. Event though Capricorn season has been relatively demanding for folks, it is an excellent time to put some of your dreams down on paper and delineate practical steps to get there. This is such an excellent period of pragmatic upgrades for Pisces. Discipline and progress are available to you, and it’s only a matter of being honest and realistic about what you can and cannot do.

A Lunar Eclipse in Cancer takes place on January 10th bringing a powerful focus on your creative goals, self-expression, children, romance and everything that brings you pleasure through a creative act. Even though you are fully invested within various groups, there is something urging you to re-appropriate some of the energy you are investing in the community and redirect it towards more personal and creative projects. With your traditional ruler Jupiter in Capricorn, you must assume a certain level of responsibility in associations that are already well-established. However, the Lunar Eclipse in Cancer is your cue to get clear about some personal creative projects of yours and get the ball rolling. Uranus turning direct in Taurus on the same day brings insights into new modes of self-expression and innovative ways around communications. Your ability to say no and to delineate clear boundaries with others will be your key to gaining more time for personal projects this year. It is in your nature to sacrifice some of your time to ensure the well being of others but you will not be able to accomplish your goals if you are working on someone else’s dreams. It is always a work in progress for you, finding the perfect balance between give and take. Being very clear on where and to whom you are allocating your time right now will be helpful in accomplishing more this year.

From January 10th to the 14th, Saturn and Pluto meet in the sign of Capricorn and for Pisces this highlights your role as a teacher and a mentor. Something that has become perhaps a little bit burdensome is in need of restructuring, or at least honest appraisal. This reality is also a silver lining as it will help you implement some of the innovations and ideas you have been dreaming of.

On January 13th, Venus, planet of pleasure and love, enters your sign where she is considered exalted or extremely comfortable. Venus transiting in your sign until February 7th will help bond and tie back together anything that has become frayed. If you were thinking of beautifying your space or your body, it’s an excellent time to do so while Venus is traveling in Pisces. The only thing that might get in the way of pleasurable things and leisure in January, is your workload. With Mars in Sagittarius applying to a square with Venus in the second half of the month, you might feel torn between investing more of your energy in career and goals versus finding down time to create, play music, relax and enjoy the present moment.

Mercury, planet of communication enters Aquarius on January 16th and for you it’s your cue to start sorting out your assumptions, desires and needs. Mercury squares Uranus in Taurus on January 18 and highlights the difficult task of aligning your thoughts with the way you express yourself. There could be some adjustment required between your internal reality versus how you present in the world. You could feel a greater need to align your speech with some deeper realizations.

The New Moon in Aquarius comes along on January 24th, representing an excellent time to honor this truth, and to create space for a contemplative practice. An honest and mindful gaze into your internal dialogues to begin the year will support external changes. I know you are already well aware of how your thoughts shape your experience of reality. The New Moon in Aquarius is your cue to acknowledge the process you have been undergoing in connection with getting clearer about internal, emotional, psychological dialogues and how this is transforming your relationships with others. With Uranus in Taurus for many years to come, you are bent on finding new channels and modalities to express yourself.