Pisces Horoscope for November 2019

Posted on October 30, 2019 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of outer enlightenment and focus, Pisces, and yet one that is actually based as much on inner understanding – attempting to discern what is going on below the surface layers of your psyche – as on the schedules and agendas of more normative pursuits. Your self-concept and sense of identity is growing in part though career achievement and accolades, and yet also partly through depth explorations that fill out the picture of who and what you truly are. Your worldview is shifting, and in a particular fraught monthly cycle you might find yourself questioning almost every aspect of your beliefs. The educational moment, informed by your process of deep inner investigation, is preparing the way for professional success that also makes for better alignment with core values. This issue is also in fact vital to your continued growth and evolutionary development, so that you do well these days to allow this kind of intuitive information to more fully enter your awareness.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School in his final month with us. Adam has decided that other obligations of his must take precedence. We are grateful for his steady support of our astrological content for the past two years!

The month begins just after a New Moon in Scorpio (from October 27th) fell in your ninth house of religion and spirituality, higher education, and long journeys, opposite rebellious Uranus in Taurus in your third house of the intellect. You are therefore experiencing a series of intellectual or spiritual shifts this month that will continue to rock your world all month long.

The same theme is also amplified by the retrograde of Mercury in Scorpio in your ninth house, taking place on just as the month begins. This is a good time to begin to revise or to revisit worn out belief systems and old ideas. It’s also important that you allow yourself to think and communicate at a much deeper level this month. Superficial conversations, thoughts, or explanations won’t cut it!

Between November 1st and 6th, Mars in Libra in your eighth house of debt, death, and shared resources will square Pluto in Capricorn in the eleventh house of groups, friends, and allies. It’s a good time to pool together resources in order to work toward cooperative projects with friends or colleagues. This is a highly productive period, but it will also require you to look very deeply at the best use or appropriation of power, especially in your relationships.

Also on November 1st, Venus will enter Sagittarius, representing your tenth house of career and professional life, and bring the power dynamics of Mars in Libra to bear on your outer world pursuits.

Between November 6th and the 9th, the Sun in Scorpio in your ninth house of the higher mind will trine Neptune in Pisces in your first house and home sign. You might be looking for higher or more inspiring answers, teachers, or learning opportunities. It’s also a great time to share your own wisdom and inspiration with others, as you are likely to be something of an open channel or conduit right now.

On November 12th, the Full Moon falls in Taurus in your third house of the intellect and communication, emphasizing the need to express your own feelings, thoughts, and ideas, or to address your own needs, even if they appear relatively simple compared to the deeper and more intense energies that have been flowing through your ninth house and Scorpio this month. Make sure you’re taking a break and keeping it simple, or you’ll likely burn out from thinking too much or too intensely.

On November 20th, Mercury will then turn direct in Scorpio in your ninth house, allowing further thought development and perspective shifts, and then on November 24th to the 26th, Mars in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus in your third house. The entire month has been leading up to this moment of intellectual, mental, and emotional breakthrough. You are individuating right now, and it’s likely related to a larger intellectual paradigm shift that you’re experiencing. Just remember that the shift you’re trying to make can be made peacefully, even if it requires you to take a stand or express your thoughts more powerfully. The change you are looking for can also include your own unique thoughts and ideas, even if you are following the voice of tradition or the example of teachers or elders. There is still room for you to add your own unique voice.

Between November 22nd and 25th, Venus and Jupiter will conjoin in Sagittarius in your tenth house. This transit brings a wave of expansion, positivity, good luck, and growth into your career house to end the month. Be sure to check them out in the sky around this time. You won’t want to miss them hanging in the western sky just after sunset.

Finally, on November 26th, the New Moon in Sagittarius falls in your tenth house as well. Following just after the expansive and beneficial conjunction between Venus and Jupiter, this New Moon picks up on this energy and emphasizes the same themes of growth and abundance in your career choices for the entire lunar cycle to come, reaching to the final week of December!