Posted on January 2, 2013 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
You are entering into a period of meaningful change with the New Year, Virgo. This is an excellent time for you to get ahead, with career opportunities abounding. You are at play in the fields of the lord, and your actions count for greater progress in your ongoing makeover toward the more complete and well-balanced individual that you long for. You are also perhaps encountering an exciting yet basically unstable connection with intimate partners. This seeming drawback can be turned around when you see it as a chance to experiment and better learn what is going on inside you. Since your own spiritual evolution depends on understanding yourself at the deepest possible level, you will thereby have a better chance to continue to evolve in this and other areas of your life.
As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the powerful Full Moon from the end of December that took place in your sector of societal involvement and future plans. It's an exciting new world for you in the time frame of this new year, and you find that you are coming into yourself in totally new ways. This has a lot to do with changes at the very core of your being that you have been noticing for many weeks but were perhaps somehow unable to fully act upon, until now.
Relationship in particular could be an expanding area for you this month, as you transcend the painful carryovers from the past and enter upon a more wide-open future. There is an instability emotionally that seems scary, and disconnected, but that leads you to a better position to be able to make needed changes. Everything in the area of inner connection with your deep soul center is being reborn brand new, and this includes intimacy with a significant partner in your life.
Transformationally-oriented Pluto resides and is powerfully configured in your sector of creativity and self-expression. This area of your life is undergoing vast metamorphosis over the course of recent years and into those ahead, and this is a pivotal year for solidifying these changes.
Paradoxically, with all this transformation, you are somewhat stuck in areas of communication and connection with your peers. It might be that your very changes are preventing you from connecting with friends in the same old ways, so that you must find other outlets in order to express your truest self. It is an excellent time however for journaling or for writing down your ideas in the form of letters to a trusted friend. Whatever you produce in this way will take a long time to express in its final form, but once you do get it right, might well become a lasting statement of where your recent trails have landed you.
You have excellent luck this year in all things career-oriented. Your ability to get things done will shine, and your basic optimism in the area of outer-world presence will take you far. It is important that you recognize the good fortune that presents itself to you right now for what it is: an opportunity to connect with your highest aspirations for yourself in the best possible way.
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With the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, January 4th, you are entering into a meditative space of time. This is a moment when you tend to look back over the previous three weeks of the lunar cycle and attempt to rearrange your mind around the events that have transpired, seeing how they fit in the bigger picture, which you have in plentitude in this current monthly time frame. You are well on your way to seeing how to be all that you can be; and that, as it turns out, is quite a lot.
The New Moon of Friday, January 11th, hits your chart very strongly, and brings positives to bear in terms of greater energy and sense of purpose, especially for exploration of yourself and your internals, as well as for connection with other like-minded souls that you have encountered along your way. You might also feel the outlines of old trauma coming to greater awareness in terms of inter-personal behaviors that you can see more clearly than in the past and that you might be more than ready to transcend. The key to moving past these old issues is full acceptance of yourself at all levels and in all standpoints, warts and all.
With the First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 18th, you are moving closer to your goals, but encountering obstacles to finally getting there, perhaps from having made a few miscalculations regarding the practical details in your enthusiasm. These might be only now making themselves known. You are on the verge of a better grasp on everything that you are currently about, including your alignment with deep soul purpose.
The Full Moon of Saturday, January 26th, is powerful for you, and takes you to important places inside yourself, places that you really need to go. It is possible that old and outmoded behaviors will come to better understanding as well. These could represent the residue of past trauma that have been walled off from your awareness because you didn't feel comfortable with these parts of yourself, and that now are benefiting from greater conscious acceptance. You are opening still further to the sense of exploration of your inner world, and finding renewed inspiration in the outer one because of it. There could e a huge energy release that accompanies a greater sense of integration of all the various parts of your psyche.