Leo Horoscope for April 2019

Posted on March 30, 2019 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another intense month for you, Leo, following up on a strong Mercury Retrograde and series of transformational events that preceded. You are now invited to begin to better integrate recent revelations. You live largely by means of an exercise of will, yet it is vitally important that you pay the closest possible attention to what underlies all that, the hidden depths within your psyche that you can only see by closing off your more conscious gaze. Things have been rapidly shifting for you with your career and goals, and yet you do well not to allow the details of these transitions to distract you from deeper truths. As the month continues to unfold, your worldview could be going through something of a figure-and-ground reversal; what was once obvious seems less so, while what was peripheral assumes a vast and novel significance. You feel strongly connected to the evolving mission of your life’s purpose, so that in-dwelling into this intuitional understanding becomes your most important work.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

April’s astrology features a strong lineup of planets in the sign of Pisces moving into conjunctions with Neptune in your eighth house of death and rebirth, followed by squares to Jupiter in Sagittarius in your fifth house of creativity and good fortune. The sequence begins when Mercury conjoins Neptune in Pisces on April 2nd, and then makes a square to Jupiter in Sagittarius by April 12th and is then followed by Venus making a conjunction to Neptune on April 10th followed by a square to Jupiter in Sagittarius by April 15th. Considering that both signs are Jupiter ruled and that Jupiter is in the house that was traditionally called “Good fortune,” even if you are facing inevitabilities, endings, or losses this month, it is likely that blessings and growth will come quickly as a result. It’s also a good time to bring the deeper and heavier themes of death, endings, and loss together with the optimism, faith, and creativity of Jupiter in the fifth house. After all, some of the most important artwork and creatively inspired people in the world comes from life’s more difficult or heavy experiences. You may also notice that there are some changes for the better happening in relation to financial burdens or financial issues in close relationships. Finally, with Neptune, Venus, and Jupiter all tending toward expansive, imaginative, and romantic states of consciousness, and Mercury debilitated in the sign of Pisces, it’s also important to keep yourself grounded and to think through things carefully before committing to anything new.

On April 5th, the New Moon in Aries will fall in your ninth house of the higher mind, and then your ruling planet, the Sun, will perfect squares to Saturn and Pluto in your sixth house of sickness, service, and work between April 10th and the 13th. Another facet of this month’s astrology thus features the contemplation of higher principles, as well as the enactment of those principles in your everyday life. You are likely asking yourself some serious questions right now and needing to define your commitments more carefully. You may also be faced with obstacles or impediments to learning, growth, or to moving as quickly as you would like in the direction you are intending, thanks to the influence of Saturn and Pluto. It could be tempting to try to fight through something that is thwarting you by either escalating tensions or by remaining inflexible and stubborn in your attitudes and beliefs.

The Full Moon on April 19th will fall in your 3rd house of the mind and communication and will also make squares to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, reminding you of the need for compromise, harmony, balance, and fairness.

Similarly, between April 19th and 23rd, both Mercury and Venus will pass through conjunctions with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your ninth house of higher principles and the higher mind, both emphasizing the need to define your principles and beliefs but also bringing an emphasis on mental, communicative, and relational healing at the same time.

Around the same time, your ruling planet, the Sun, will enter Taurus (on the 20th) and move into your tenth house of career and conjoin Uranus until the 23rd, bringing a short period of clarification, rebellion, and potential disruption or breakthrough at work.

Finally, between April 25th and the 27th, Mars in Gemini in your eleventh house of friends and allies will square Neptune in Pisces in your eighth house, suggesting the potential for mental conflicts or emotional and intellectual transformation among friends or within groups, as well as the potential for shared visions or spiritual crusades. You may also find that you are meeting new friends or allies who share similar hopes and dreams. Just remember that even if you are inspired by a truly virtuous dream or goal, with Neptune once again heavily involved you may set your sights too high and experience some degree of letdown later if you’re not grounded in your thinking.