Posted on December 31, 2018 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is an amazing month for you, Cancer, with emphasis on issues of career/profession, home and family, and as well the area of partnership. Naturally these all reflect back on your own self-development, to name another important focus for this pivotal month and year. The very powerful New Moon eclipse of January 5th energizes all of the above in a big way, especially your public statement, and sets you up for continued massive transformation in all these areas, through enlightened vision and big picture alterations in your existing world view. If you can take full advantage now, you are called to idealistic service and to enhanced creative self-expression. A basic instability on the home front is also indicated, which could lead to further changes in family of origin concerns or familial interconnection. Turning toward intimacy gets you far, also aligning with your most sincerely held values. It is time to act, and as you do, to come from strictly your own set of standards and beliefs to the exclusion of all else.
The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School
Happy New Year, Cancer!
January’s major astrological focus is on your seventh house of relationships, starting with a Sun/Saturn conjunction in your seventh house on January 1st, followed by a powerful Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on January 5th, which focalizes partnership issues and celebrations. Then, a Sun/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on January 10th, and finally a square from Mars in Aries to Saturn in Capricorn in your seventh house on January 21st.You will be therefore all month be thinking about specific partners, current or intended, and also the impact of relationship upon your life.
With eclipses to come in Capricorn for the next year and with Saturn slowly working toward a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn by the winter of 2020, relationships are going to be an extremely important topic for you in 2019. At the same time, eclipses will also fall in your first house of self, health, identity, and new beginnings, over the next year, suggesting that as you are growing by leaps and bounds personally so too will your relationships be changing, and vice versa. If you are already in a committed relationship, don’t be surprised if your partner is going through some significant changes themselves in the year to come, and if you are single or dating then don’t be surprised if the stakes are raised and things become more serious or you meet someone with serious potential.
On January 8th, Mercury in Capricorn will square Mars in Aries in your tenth house of career. Watch for tension or even conflict in relationships or in the workplace, but otherwise you might use this energy for analyzing problems and getting to the bottom of things. Then between January 12th and 13th, Mercury in Capricorn will conjoin Saturn in Capricorn in your seventh house, signaling a moment of finality, seriousness, or possibly deeper commitment in partnerships or love.
On January 13th, just as the Sun and Moon come into the square alignment of the First Quarter Moon, Jupiter in Sagittarius in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service, will square Neptune in Pisces in your ninth house of the higher mind, spirituality, and long journeys. Venus in Sagittarius is also perfecting a trine to Mars in Aries in your tenth house of career (January 17th). You may be going through something of a philosophical change right now that has the power to become immediately applicable at work, or in your day-to-day life. This is an expansion of both mind and heart, but it will also call for you to implement the changes through hard work and everyday application.
On the late evening of January 20th, the last of a long series of Lunar Eclipses falls in Leo in your second house of finances, suggesting that at long last a season of deeply personal changes and challenges in your financial or business life are winding down. If you’ve done your work over the past year and a half, then you are likely ready to press reset and realize some very deep and lasting lessons in relation to your time, money, energy and resources, but don’t be surprised if this eclipse brings one last wave of energy and intensity to the forefront of your consciousness in relation to the above topics.
Then, on January 22nd, Venus and Jupiter will conjoin in Sagittarius in your sixth house, bringing a wave of auspiciousness, growth, and abundance into the house of work, sickness, and service. Because the sixth house is related to those people you employ, it could be that you are finding just the right person to hire for a special project, or it might mean that you are joining a charity effort or finding a beneficial cause to give yourself to in selfless service. The good news about Jupiter in your sixth house throughout the entire year is that it will continue to bring benefits through hard work, so even if there is some work ahead, you can expect that the hard work will pay off. With Uranus also having dipped back into Aries in your career house via retrograde, and now turning direct this month, you’re in a truly unique window of personal and professional breakthrough!