Pisces Horoscope for July 2018

Posted on June 30, 2018 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another in a series of amazing months, Pisces, when your self-definition is on the line, and when your beliefs and values are subject to review and revision. The ongoing retrograde of Mars, in your twelfth house of inner work and unconscious process, encourages you to take a break from ordinary activities in order to contemplate where your life is truly headed. Significant partners are an important focus, and also bring greater consciousness of the blocks and barriers to smooth interpersonal relationship. Especially with the potent Solar Eclipse in Cancer of July 12th, your sense of self and of relationship connection feels magical and inspired to the extent that you can take your highly developed intuitive faculties and inner guidance more completely into account. By month’s end, following the retrograde of Mercury in your service sector, you are operating in a fully introspective mode, examining many facets of your life for their suitability in the large picture view of your intended future.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

This month’s astrology features the ongoing effects of Mars retrograde in Aquarius, corresponding to your deeper meditations, plus two eclipses that will affect your particular solar chart quite strongly. What a year it’s already been, and we’re just halfway through it!

The month gets kick-started on July 5th when Mercury in Leo in your sixth house opposes Mars retrograde in Aquarius in your twelfth house. When you disagree with something, as a Pisces, you are usually called to do something practical about it. You are regularly called to serve others in the mode of compassion. However, this transit may have you considering how to speak your mind about something, or how to address something that has been stirring inside of you for too long. Mental and emotional health problems may stem from constantly repressing your true thoughts and emotions, rather than finding a healthy outlet for them. So, don’t be afraid to confront the powerful thoughts and feelings you are having right now and also try expressing them to others. Likely, your convictions will be healing for others to hear as well as clarifying them for yourself.

Then, also on July 5th, the Sun in Cancer in your fifth house will trine Jupiter in Scorpio in your ninth house, with Jupiter moving quite slowly, getting ready to turn direct on July 10th. This transit is also activating a grand water trine to Neptune, your ruler, and located in your first house of identity. Watch for themes of creative and emotional breakthrough, a renewal of religious or spiritual faith or a surge of enthusiasm or child-like joy. You may feel like you are finding yourself again after a period of setbacks, doubt, or deep inner reflection. You can be a conduit for creative and emotional catharsis, so don’t be afraid to express whatever inspiration you are feeling. You may also find your way to teachers or other voices of wisdom that have some specific message for you. You’ll know them when you find them because their words and voice will open your heart and remind you of the path that you’ve been meant all along to be walking.

On July 9th Mercury in Leo in your sixth house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your ninth house. Again, this month you might see the potential for your words and voice to be a powerful force of wisdom, conviction, and inspiration. You may be inspired by the words or teachings of someone else, or you may find that you are generally excited to be studying something fundamental or learning a new craft or trade. This is also a great time to offer your wisdom, advice, or skills to others as a form of service.

Then on July 12th the first eclipse arrives. The Sun will oppose Pluto in your eleventh house as the New Moon (a solar eclipse) takes place in your fifth house. This eclipse provides an incredibly dynamic moment of transformation, both creatively and in terms of the groups you belong to or within your friendships. Watch for themes of childbirth or children, creativity, joy, recreation and pleasure to be pronounced right now, alongside of questions about who and what is worth of your time, socially. You may find opportunities to express your own unique gifts or abilities within groups or among your friends, or you may find that being unable to do so you are ready to make some solid changes. Pluto’s involvement in this eclipse demands that the transformations be authentic, so there is no faking this one. If there are serious immaturities in yourself or within organizations or groups you belong to, you will likely say goodbye to them. On the other hand, it may be the perfect time to find creative collaboration and a renewed spirit of joy and creative inspiration with just the right people, at just the right time. However, even the most exciting new beginnings will require that we make some deep and serious changes when Pluto is involved, so just remember to be real with yourself and everything else will fall into place.

On July 24th, Venus will oppose Neptune across your first and seventh house axis. This is a dreamy, romantic, and intoxicating transit that may whisk you away into a temporary altered state of consciousness or a romantic tryst, but it may also require you to take a very deep look at the boundAries you keep, or those you struggle to keep, in relationships. Consider the powerful and challenging eclipse coming into your twelfth house just a few days after this transit, and be careful not to lose yourself; try to maintain a clear head, even as you enjoy the blissful elements of this transit.

Finally, on July 27th there is a lunar eclipse, conjoined with the South Node and Mars retrograde in your twelfth house. This transit is finally bringing to a head the energies that started gathering like a storm cloud for you a few weeks ago when Mars began his retrograde. There is always an opportunity for deep healing, introspection, and sagely wisdom to emerge from a twelfth house experience, but it would be an oversimplification to characterize twelfth house experiences as a walk in the park. They are more frequently like a lonely walk along the stormy beach of a nighttime sea, redolent with wisdom that might only emerge to your consciousness after the passage of considerable time. This eclipse may have you facing your fears, releasing old hurts, and possibly accepting some level of defeat, failure, loss, or heartache. You should therefore be very careful about self-destructive and reactionary thoughts or choices during this late-month juncture. If you are faced with overwhelming emotions, remember that this, too, will pass. On the other hand, you might be witness to the hurt feelings of others around you, and if so, you could find yourself somewhat helpless to do anything, for example if your attempts to help are not easily accepted. This is a tough transit, but it brings with it the wisdom of patience, observation, mental and emotional detachment, and deep acceptance. In the long run these are gifts that are invaluable, and hard to come by.