Happy Gemini Season!

Posted on June 7, 2018 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This year the Sun passes through the airy and intellectual realms of Gemini from May 20th to June 21st.

Here is some general information on the astrological archetype of Gemini:

Gemini is the sign associated with communication, logical thought processes (based on duality) and the conscious mind. Gemini people tend to be airy and intellectual, glib of tongue and curious about life and other people. They can experience two sides of things at the same time, and may tend to be flighty.

Geminis move through life like a butterflies, engaging in many varied experiences to gain knowledge. They are witty and have a good sense of humor, and are likely to be excellent conversationalists. Geminis make good teachers. They can be nervous and high-strung, and may be mischievous. Unlike possessive Taurus, they tend toward liberty in relationship. And although Geminis can be easily bored, under the control of self-discipline they have tremendous intellectual and artistic possibilities.

For more Gemini info, graphics, and horoscopes click here!

Happy Birthday you wonderfully curious and intelligent Gemini people!! Wishing you all the best during your annual Solar Return!