Virgo Horoscope for June 2018

Posted on June 1, 2018 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You are entering into a productive time, Virgo, with a twist. You have a terrific professional focus, and are likely to accomplish much, although you will have to allow for new insights of a mystical variety. There is a glorious enthusiasm and also unfamiliar uncertainty in your connections with others, including your financial dealings. A brand new worldview and set of values is emerging, perhaps slowly, or at times with unexpected rapidity. One secret to navigating this somewhat chaotic period is that you stay open to possibility. The Gemini New Moon of June 13th provides fresh energy for pursuing career objectives, in a way that is informed by your unusual growth experiences of the prior thirty-day lunar cycle. You also might experience renewed understanding of inner wounding and its effect on interpersonal relations as well as to the free flow within you of creative or artistic self-expression. Your goals are vibrantly alive to you now, and all you need is the courage to fulfill them.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

It’s been a busy Spring season for everybody since last month’s entrance of Uranus into Taurus, which corresponds to your ninth house of higher mind, so that you have been in quite a philosophical place lately, with unexpected journeys perhaps on the horizon. This month the planet Mars will be starting a long retrograde in the sign of Aquarius, in your sixth house of service. Let’s dive in and look at what’s happening, one transit at a time.

Between June 5th and 6th, Venus in Cancer in your eleventh house will be moving through an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn in your fifth house. This transit will place the spotlight on friendships, groups of people, colleagues, or social circles that you belong to, illuminating the need for greater depth, honesty, or even healing between yourself and others. As a Virgo you are naturally a caring, thoughtful, and effective personality, however you may sometimes shy away from greater depth and intensity. Remember, whatever we repress tends to grow stronger. Addressing the darker side of your relationships right now might not be easy, but it’s better than avoidance.

At nearly the same time, between June 6th and 7th, the Sun and Mercury will be conjunct in Gemini in your tenth house of career while moving into a square with Neptune in Pisces in your seventh house of love and relationships. You might be facing the temptation to present things to others in the work place as better than they are, or with some level of exaggeration to make a good appearance. On the other hand, be careful that you have all the facts straight and you aren’t being deceived by superiors or colleagues, either. It’s an easy moment to get lost in the clouds, to be subject to miscommunication, or to over-promise and under-deliver. On the other hand, it’s also a good moment for communicating things that are intangible or difficult to understand with unusual ease or creativity.

On June 13th, the New Moon in Gemini will also land in your tenth house of career. At the same time, Mars will conjoin the South Node of the Moon in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service. Right now, you are drawing on some very deep wisdom from your past, perhaps even from past lives, to make important changes in your work life, or perhaps in relation to your health and work life at the same time. You may also notice that you are feeling particularly fired up about a cause or mission in your professional life, as Mars in the house of service activates the advocate or guardian spirit within you.

Between June 14th and 15th, Venus in Leo in your twelfth house of isolation, suffering, and great contemplation, will square Uranus in Taurus in your ninth house of higher education, religion, and long journeys. With Venus making several intense aspects in your chart this month you are likely examining some deeper issues in your relationships with others. This one likely involves worldview in combination with an exploration of sexuality, art and faith, loneliness and the search for a higher state of bliss. Remember that while you are naturally effective and wholesome at everything you do, you may sometimes care too much about others’ values or judgments. This is an especially good time to find your own inner sense of beauty and happiness. To do this you may also need to break the mold or do something that is unusually rebellious for you.

On June 15th, Mercury in Cancer in your eleventh house will also oppose Saturn in Capricorn in your fifth house, emphasizing a somewhat serious, constrained, focused, or disciplined quality of mind and speech, and communication. This transit will encourage you to further define and refine your ideals or values and the role they play in your friendships or in the groups or social circles you belong to. Remember, that real compromise requires real intelligence, listening, and love for one another.

On June 21st the Summer Solstice lands in your eleventh house of friendships, goals and group activities, re-emphasizing the Mercury-Saturn opposition from a week of so back, and bringing a quality of deep intuition and true learning potential to bear. Idealism flares up, and partners may be put on a pedestal. That same day, Venus in Leo in your twelfth house moves into an opposition with Mars in Aquarius in the sixth house of labor, sickness, and service. This transit provides an opportunity for sexual healing and wisdom, and for exploring the hidden motivations underlying your partnership activities, but you should also be careful of the temptation to make an impulsive or bad decision about relationships or romance. There is also an opportunity for the synthesis of the masculine and feminine energies in general. Don’t be afraid to explore creative ways of being of service to others right now; this is an excellent transit for finding union and common ground with others around shared struggles and challenges.

June 23rd Mercury in Cancer is opposing Pluto in Capricorn from your eleventh to fifth house, once again emphasizing the importance of transformation, depth, healing, and deeper or more shadowy encounters in your social circles. Where there are creative differences, if everyone can set their egos aside, there is always an opportunity for amazing creativity and wisdom. Speak the truth right now but let go of your stake in the matter and let things unfold without being too forceful or insistent upon your point of view. This month is going to be a workshop in honesty, integrity, and compromise, and it won’t help anything if you are holding back the truth or avoiding the deeper implications of what is being said and done around you.

Then on June 25th, Venus in Leo in your twelfth house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your third house. The transit of Venus and Jupiter together are like summer rains and summer sunshine, combined. However, with a twelfth house emphasis you might be exploring the joy of quiet or solitude, or the kind of happiness that exists in the vastness of nature or even the secrecy of shadows or dream images. This transit may also tempt you into extravagance, pride, or grandiosity. Remember to remain humble. All month long, you are exploring what it means to be both happy and virtuous at the same time. Just remember to be easy on yourself and others as you go; it’s not easy to walk a spiritual path, and nobody is perfect.

Finally, on June 27th, just as the Full Moon comes through, Mars turns retrograde just one day prior, in your sixth house of labor, sickness, and service. This is the beginning of a very long summer of looking at your health, either mentally, emotionally, or physically, with an emphasis on confronting whatever most needs healing. Or, this transit may play out in terms of work, labor, and service. Mars retrograde in the sixth house may emphasize themes of power and powerlessness, missions or crusades, especially in relation to perceived injustices, as well as periods of intense labor or hard work, and the general desire or calling to be of service to others. You may also come to realize that it’s time to finally surrender. As Mars turns retrograde it may be the perfect time to give up some form of struggle, fight, or labor that you are finally realizing to be pointless or without spiritual value. If that’s the case, then congratulations! Who knows how many lifetimes it may have taken you to arrive at this moment.

We’ll continue to look at this Mars retrograde over the next two months, so stay tuned!