Posted on November 1, 2012 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is an important time of contemplation, Gemini. Although it might seem like spinning your wheels, it is actually a vitally necessary task that you are engaged in this month, as you meditate on where you are going and on the friends that you are meeting up with along the way. You are rediscovering relationship with others around you, intimate partners and other connections also, and finding within that redefinition a clue to your own inner world, and as well to your own true pathway forward. There is a mystery at the heart of your turning and it is one that is best left unanalyzed. The inner wounded nature that you have been skillfully avoiding your entire adult life has been magically transformed into an ally in your search for wholeness.
As the month begins, you are figuratively slowing down, in tune with the station to retrograde motion of your ruler, Mercury, taking place on Tuesday, November 6th. Due to outer planet energies that chime with Mercury as it stations, this is an extremely potent retrograde, so that it pays to be on the lookout for major shifts in the energy. Not to say that this is a bad thing, even though you are culturally conditioned for speed; you have been engaged in a flurry of activity over these past few weeks and months and it might feel like high time for a break. This is definitely an actively exciting period of time for you, with different goals of a more inner than outer nature in accord with the more laid back and meditative attitude engendered by this powerful retrograde period.
The universe, rather than providing a push toward further action, is taking you to the inside, and this has its advantages. There is an almost mystical serenity available to you now, that if you can have the requisite pace and the presence to tap into, enables you to go for a truly big-picture stance that takes everyone else in your life very much into account, while still maintaining your own unique viewpoint; this is one that allows you to cast your gaze outward toward the world around you and yet keep in touch with fruitful inner silence. By this subtle and slight removal, a gesture, you open up to vast possibilities that will make sense to you for many years down the line, when your current ups and downs of outer circumstance can scarcely be recalled.
This change of attitude percolates through you from the inside out and eventually affects career choices that you feel called to make. With Uranus and Pluto still in square with each other and affecting your personal and your societal commitment going forward, this is truly a year of change, the prelude to more of the same in the remainder of this challenging and yet vitally interesting and important decade.
The path with heart is the only one that has even the remotest interest for you now.
Detailed Monthly Forecast
With the Last Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 6th, which is coincident with the station of your ruler Mercury to retrograde motion, there is a natural pause that interjects itself into the forward momentum of the earlier portion of this current lunar cycle, which is a continuation of the transformational momentum of the whole year leading up to this point. You have been traveling, traveling, and it seems you will never come to a stop; but this period of reflection can provide not only a good balance but also a potential course correction that takes account of where your inner soul-level self feels that you need to be ultimately headed.
With the Solar Eclipse and New Moon of Tuesday, November 13th, you are taking a fresh breath and girding up for another go as you enter another phase of the long journey into your metamorphosis. With retrograde Mercury, your ruler, in close aspect now to numinous Neptune, this is a time in priority and presence for inner to overtake outer. Surprises continue to manifest in the way that you connect yourself up with social groups that you favor, especially those that you intuit can help you to achieve your deeper aims.
The First Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 20th, represents a time of tension in the progress of the initiative spawned by the New Moon a week earlier, a testing period that ensures that practical considerations are weighted more than pure idealism. This is even truer for you at this particular time, as Saturn conspires with Neptune in your career sector. This influence goes two ways, in the sense that while Saturn's hard-nosed realism can overwhelm the subtle and ethereal sense of hidden process represented by Neptune, it is equally the case that a dose of Spirit may inform and transform your notion of what is concretely practical. Partners come into the picture now as well, as an important adjunct to your own process of getting clearer regarding life path.
With the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of Wednesday, November 28th, you have come full circle from the place that you were standing at the very beginning of the month. This has been a spiral of unusually powerful significance, as you continue on your evolutionary path. Your struggle remains that you give full credence to what you find within, while maintaining of necessity your real-world presence. This hidden part of yourself informs and underlies everything that you encounter in the seemingly simple world of events and schedules, as you are beginning to more and more acknowledge.