Pisces Horoscope for October 2017

Posted on September 28, 2017 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You have an extraordinary October ahead, Pisces, a time of close relationship connection and of a growing familiarity with your own inner world, the basis of all intimacy. The last ten days of September have been key for you in this regard, continuing into the present month. The concept of partnership in your life is now very much emphasized. You are coming to greater awareness of all that you hold inside, which is orthogonal to ordinary reality. Your own way of thinking about personal identity is on the line, and many factors in your life are in the process of altering. Your sense of who you are is expanding; as Whitman says, you “contain multitudes.” As your values, especially in regard to material existence, go through a major awakening, so too do your ideas of how to conduct yourself in terms of outer world pursuits, which you are varying now, accordingly, from strictly business as usual.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of 9th House Astrology

The month of October begins with a Full Moon in Aries on the 5th, which illuminates the resources available to you right now. It could be that a compromise will have to be reached between what is yours and what belongs to someone else. You might also need to rely on other people more than you would like, and your need for independence will be aroused. You are in the midst of finding the right balance between your personal authority and compromise that could be required while fulfilling your duties within a partnership. Communication is key, so do not shy away from stating your needs and this will help both parties find a fair arrangement.

On the 10th, Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces, dives into the dark waters of Scorpio for just over a year. This will be significant for you since Jupiter not only serves as your ruler, but will also be forming a supportive trine to your sign. Jupiter is considered to be the great benefactor, and usually brings some form of expansion into our lives. I like to think of Jupiter as the Yes man/woman. One important thing to remember about Jupiter's upcoming transit in Scorpio is that you will have to actively participate in your growth in order to benefit from its bounty. It won't be enough to wait for Jupiter to shower you with blessings; new opportunities will present themselves when you venture out of your comfort zone. Jupiter's entry into Scorpio this month signals the beginning of an exploratory phase for you. With your gaze on the horizon, set your sail for the open sea and be prepared to travel in uncharted territory. This territory could be literal, or it could also have to do with yourself and other people's psychological landscapes. You will have plenty of opportunities to understand intimacy and the power behind your interactions this year and you will definitely not content yourself with superficialities. Don't be surprised if you find yourself digging deeper, fascinated by what is hidden and mysterious.

The New Moon in Libra on the 19th is your checkpoint around the ongoing themes of fairness, compromise and the ability to find the right equilibrium between your personal needs versus exterior demands. It is time to negotiate your agreements and contracts with others, although a compromising attitude might not be easy to find; you might feel like everyone is out for themselves and you are probably right. Your ability to remain open and flexible while moving with the changes operating in your life is your winning strategy. A diplomatic stance will definitely get you further than a combative one, although you might not see the immediate results of a long negotiation process. Peaceful resolution will be found after each party is allowed more freedom. An agreement can be reached, but not without careful and patient deliberations. When you keep that in mind while you navigate the month of October, you will be surprised at how much you can accomplish.