Libra Horoscope for April 2017

Posted on March 31, 2017 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another interesting and rather intense month for you, Libra, as you contemplate partnership connection and look more closely into your own inner workings. With the recent Aries New Moon as the kick-off for your month, and with your ruler, Venus, retrograde and about to cross backwards into Pisces, your relationship sector of your chart is receiving most of the action in a month of ups and downs. You are in a meditative mode, especially in the early weeks, as symbolized by the retrograde. The astrological currents swirling about you now can be confusing, and you benefit from paying the closest possible attention to everything that is going on for you on the inside. Your intuition is very highly developed during this entire time, and represents your best guide to more fully understanding yourself at the deeper layers of your being, and your own internal relationship motivation.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist and AstroGraph team member Leslie Benson and edited by Henry Seltzer. To learn more about Leslie's work, visit Astrology for Awakening.

There is much stirring in your relational realms this month. There may be a lot for you to re-evaluate and come to terms with in how you relate to yourself and to others. The beginning of this monthly cycle was marked just a few days prior by the Aries New Moon of March 27th. The configurations of this lunation, as well as your ruling planet Venus in her retrograde cycle, suggest that there is a potent opportunity for you to find deeper anchoring and expansion of your sense of self. Events prompting new beliefs to arise around your identity may be somewhat tumultuous, as symbolized by Uranus’ influence in your opposite sign. This energy is unpredictable, and has a tendency to shake things up, but within this process there are brilliant gifts awaiting your discovery. In the midst of potential disorientation that results from unexpected events, you are invited to innovate and thereby find new perspectives and solutions. Where you may feel challenged and confronted this month are the very places for you to most poignantly tap into your own genius, as you seek to find ways to move forward that are in alignment with your soul’s knowing.

These configurations also suggest that you are being asked to contemplate where you may have any tendencies to over-extend yourself for the good of the whole, or where you are self-sacrificing in relationship to others. These kinds of patterns where you unconsciously abandon yourself to remain in connection with another can often lead to feelings of resentment. The remedy for this dynamic may be found in the medicine of Saturn, that is, boundAries, structure, and responsibility. You could this month be looking for new ways to place, maintain, and generally be with boundAries in your relating or communication styles. It may also be an important practice to own and take responsibility for your part of the relational dynamics you might be involved in. Wherever you are harboring old hurt or wounding, it is perhaps time to let go and forgive; the other person, but more importantly yourself. Things left unattended in these realms could leave you feeling unwell. There is massive opportunity for profound realizations and healing as you learn to love and value yourself more deeply. Self care and self-compassion are crucial throughout this process, and the work you do here has the capacity to ripple out ten-fold into your every-day experience of life.

Another peak moment of this month comes with the Full Moon in your own sign of Libra on April 10th. The focus now becomes issues of self and other, and about how you might center yourself amid stormy emotions in a more expanded and spacious way. It might be tempting to blame other people for challenging circumstances, but the invitation is to really bring your awareness and energy back to yourself. How do you find resource emotionally in challenging situations? How do you find inner peace when the exterior is tumultuous? How do you find compassion for the most wounded parts of yourself, and take good care of them? How do you soothe the parts that are aching with outrage? You may find solace in allowing your awareness to expand into a bigger perspective. By opening yourself up to the ever-present love and support of the Universe, you may also find an infinite source of support and nourishment for yourself, and for all beings.