Taurus Horoscope for November 2016

Posted on December 9, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This month represents an important turning point for you, Taurus, one in which you are getting a much better handle on issues of partnership and close bonding. An active process of depth intuition reveals much to you when you can stay open to the messages that you receive. The very structure of certain aspects of your life is irrevocably altering, particularly in the way that you are now coming to regard this area of committed relationship. There are limitations in the realm of interpersonal linkages that you have had to deal with lately, perhaps creating barriers to intimacy. If so, then these seeming restrictions have in fact been a blessing, as will become more clear as the current month of November continues to unfold. You are in a position to make great strides in the way that you pursue deep connection with others, and, in the final analysis, with yourself.

As the month begins, you are still feeling the energy of the recent New Moon, from two days before the start of the month, that took place in your opposite sign, correlated with your relationship sector. This implies loads of energy coursing through you in connection with the possibility of better, clearer and more present interaction with important partners. Then, too, there has been a strong presence of stolid and limiting Saturn in your intimacy sector, perhaps having a dampening effect on forward momentum in this important area of close connection with the mysterious Other, always something of a conundrum. There have recently been unexpected shocks, and surprising insights also, that have come to you via partnership setbacks and advances. The real subject matter of all these events is that you better understand yourself at the deeper levels of your being.

Because the planetary archetype of Neptune is quite prominent in this month’s astrology, located in your sector of friendship and societal involvement, you have also been building ideals regarding the evolution of the surrounding social matrix and how you might best be able to plug yourself in, in order that you advance the progress there. These dreams of a better world have great value to you now, and yet must also be tempered by your acknowledgment of practical limitations. You are heavily involved in career considerations now, especially in the second half of this month, which activity also involves the concept of working in partnership with others. In some ways, you are living outside of yourself, and yet the roads that you travel away from your center lead you back to it. You find yourself in a process of deep intuition that has much information to impart to you. Active intuition reveals much, providing that you stay open to possibility, and take the time to meditate upon the messages that you receive in this way.