Aries Horoscope for November 2016

Posted on December 9, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another month of transformational intensity for you, Aries. The good news is that, after leaving something behind that no longer serves you, space is being made for what does. Relationship concerns gain in clarity. Your fundamental mission this month is to explore your own depths in creative and constructive ways, which allows you to connect more fully with others. Issues of self and other that have been in process for the last month or more are now arriving at a new stage, and contribute directly to career changes and new attitudes regarding the possibility of more purposeful progress. The structures by means of which you run your life constitute a moving landscape for you these days; things go much better when you allow yourself to relax and enjoy the ride.

As the month begins, you are still feeling the deep effects of the recent Scorpio New Moon, from two days earlier, that landed in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution. These two compelling concepts associated with the eighth solar sector of your chart, of intimate connection and of progress within, might seem to be quite different and yet they are but two sides of the same coin, involving your ongoing depth researches into what truly drives your activities, from below, as it were. When you are more at ease with yourself with regard to the deeper places within you, you are more comfortable with the depths of others, also, thus increasing empathy and intimacy. This kind of progress also fosters your own development toward growth of awareness and the integration of all your parts. This is a particularly good monthly cycle for progress of this kind because, in the timing of this New Moon, Mercury, representing consciousness, curiosity, and mental functioning, is in extremely close aspect with numinous Neptune, representing that which is subtle, below the surface, and beyond the purely physical.

This is a joyous time for relationship activities because Jupiter is highlighted in your sector of committed partnership. With Saturn also in conjunction with your the ruler of your partnership sector, namely Venus, you could also be feeling an extra sense of responsibility in this regard. Relationship conflicts that might have seemed confusing as the month begins, gain greater clarity as November continues to unfold. In the midst of dreamy idealism that comes to you straight from the depths of your unconscious, you benefit from trying to arrive at a big picture viewpoint that makes the most cosmic sense for you in your own individual situation. Since Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also quite active this month as well, you might find that you are dealing with issues of old dysfunctional patterns of self-worth, and of relating, that you are ready to slough off. The key is silently witnessing any untoward behavior on your part, and accepting your internal wounds as a valid part of yourself, without shame or blame. Then, you can start to move beyond these issues.