Aquarius Horoscope for December 2016

Posted on November 30, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an active and quite positive month for you, Aquarius, as you make an important transition lasting well into the onrushing new year. This is a potent month for you in many ways. You are developing a big-picture viewpoint on the world around you, and making plans for the year ahead. What you mentally commit to in these first few weeks will have a lasting impact on the future that you create for yourself. Career decisions are on your mind as you contemplate your next moves in outer world presence, although the major thrust of your interest is far from business as usual or consensus materialistic thinking. Instead, you are working with a powerful interior mandate to come at life from your most deeply held values, engaging the world around you with what you feel in your heart to be the most constructive approach for the longest possible haul.

As the month begins, you are feeling the energy of the recent Sagittarius New Moon from two days before the advent of the current month. This energized your sector of societal involvement and future plans, an area of your life where you feel very comfortable, being a natural activist. For many weeks now you have been making progress with how you see your future unfolding, so that this month comes as something of a culmination. You are also more aware than ever that in order to create a future that makes personal sense for you, there must be a link between outer and inner priorities and values. With your ruler, Uranus, conjunct the feminine warrior energy of Eris, the recently named planetary energy beyond Pluto, highlighted in your third solar sector of curiosity, communication, and learning, you are entertaining a multiplicity ideas that all revolve around the concept that progress in the outer world of schedules and plans are rather empty unless in support of your most deeply felt intentionality.
All this is taking place in the context of a strong placement of Pluto in square with Uranus and located in your sector of unconscious process. This transformational presence is made more powerful in the context of this current month by planetary connections with Jupiter in your sector of higher mind, and Mars at the middle degree of your own sign. When Mercury Retrogrades in this same sector after the first two and a half weeks of December, and in close conjunction with Pluto, you are brought even further to a period of introspection and self-study. All this serves to further the massive structural transformation that you have been involved in for many months now. You have been on this transformational path for yourself for quite awhile now, with fitful progress, at times in active pursuit of the hazy new horizon that beckons, and at times in more of a slow cooking unease with anything less than what you want, with almost unconscious desire. You do not have what you seek spelled out in any detail, but you feel that you will recognize the place when you see it.

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