Capricorn Horoscope for December 2016

Posted on November 30, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another month of major change, Capricorn, as the presence of Pluto in the middle of your identity sector indicates. This transformational influence, present within you for many months and even years now, continues to grow. You are surely used to metamorphosis by now, this being a years-long process that you find yourself in, although another thought might be that, as you are currently discovering, there are many further layers to the onion. It might also be useful to remember that the snake sheds his skin, never easily, because he has outgrown it. In the arc of December’s evolutionary progress, there is good fortune riding along with you. You are in a basically optimistic place about accepting the reality of change. You are also more aware than ever that you manufacture your own reality, so that the time might have arrived to begin to craft a future for yourself that you can really get behind, as being more completely aligned with your own inner compass.

As the month begins, you are feeling the rush of energy from the recent Sagittarius New Moon that took place just two days before the 1st of the month, in your sector of dream imagination and unconscious process. This therefore represents a strong push for integrating inner and outer parts of yourself. The Moon enters your sign as December commences, and Mercury also, on December 2nd, giving you a thoughtfully energized period of time during this first week. Mercury Retrogrades on December 19th in the middle of your sign, where Pluto also resides, greatly adding to your consciousness of the power of this archetype of death and rebirth. Mercury stays in Capricorn for a total of nearly ten weeks, into the first week of February. The Pluto process is one whereby old and outmoded parts of yourself fade away, in some cases not willingly. It is important to remember that the suffering accompanying such major change is directly in proportion to your reluctance to abandon what is no longer viable. It is said that, when confronted with the writing on the wall of fate, true freedom lies in discerning the direction that the universe compels you to go, and turning that direction.

Your ruler, Saturn, is also prominently placed in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, while Uranus is in square with Pluto in your first or identity sector, and in trine with Saturn. Uranus is located in another key sector of your chart that is also associated with private interior process. You are therefore entering an interesting amalgamation of inner and outer for all of this rather intense month. You can make the best of this by striving to accept yourself in all your parts, and to integrate rather than disassociate. This simple intention is very much the best that you can do, and will carry you far along the path of your intended growth.

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