Aries Horoscope for December 2016

Posted on November 30, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Welcome to the maelstrom, Aries, as you navigate another quite interesting and intense monthly cycle. Your current arc of development takes you just as far as you are willing to go in terms of deliberate life direction and a deeper sense of commitment to projects of a spiritual or philosophical nature, as opposed to business as usual. The former are your true sources of sustenance right now. Everything else in your life forms itself around these basic principles of Natural Law that you are at one level or another attempting to attune to. In the first weeks, you are adjusting to the rapid-fire pace of significant revelations that cover every aspect, including most importantly your work in the physical as well as the non-physical world. The second half of the month features a prominent Mercury Retrograde period, lasting into late January, and this has you redefining your public statement, in accord with your evolving worldview.

As the month begins, you are feeling the energy of the recent Sagittarius New Moon, from two days before December commenced, which took place in your sector of higher mind. This was your introduction to the steep learning curve of this current monthly cycle. The philosophical import of what you are attempting is tremendous. The first week of the month you are flooded with bright ideas, seeming to emanate from the perspective of significant partners. In reality these are concepts that you have been preparing for, at interior levels of your own device, for many weeks and months. You are energized in both a physical and a mental way, as you enter into a thoughtful period of time when you will wind up questioning nearly every element of your career choices, recognizing that what you do in the world must be a match for that in which you most deeply believe.

In the second half of the month, and in particular after the 21st of December and the advent of the Winter Solstice, you are reviewing and revising your stance in the world from a purely practical perspective that, of necessity, takes into account in addition to your outer persona, everything that you hold on the inside. Mercury Retrogrades to the 27th of January, when you include the Retrograde Shadow, the several weeks that follow Mercury’s station to direct motion on January 8th. You are discovering that in order for your work to be meaningful it must speak to every part of your being, to what you most deeply love. That is the essence of the teaching of this period of time, and it overrides all else for you.

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