Capricorn Horoscope for October 2016

Posted on September 30, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You are welcomed into a very different kind of challenge this month, Capricorn, with career potential that exceeds expectations. There are surprises on the relationship front, and also with regard to ongoing depth researches that you have been involved with, at least subliminally, for some time. These have perhaps taken you away from your normal comfort zone into unknown territory that is, however, strangely familiar. For weeks it has been a reflective and philosophical time. Your inner world is calling to you in ways that are only now becoming more clear. You are active in making your way forward into personal achievement, and yet might still feel that something is lacking if it is only in terms of outer presentation that you are focused. A better integration of all your parts, top to bottom, is indicated for you, but you must be willing to make the initial move.

As the month begins, you are energized by the recent New Moon from September 30th, which was conjunct expansive Jupiter in your career sector. This presents you with loads of energy for chasing down existing roads of achievement and professional advancement, and for exploring new ones. You are simultaneously turning to mystical pathways as indicated by the presence of numinous Neptune, highlighted in your sector of communication and learning. It might be said that what you do accomplish out in the world must have an emotional commitment from deep inside you in order to be truly satisfying. An active presence of transformative Pluto in your identity sector makes for another reminder that you self-concept is changing, and that what you used to believe really worked for you, in some cases just will simply no longer make the grade. More and more, your public statement must match up with what you privately hold inside.

You have been mulling over many facets of your evolving worldview all this past month of September, and now an altered way of seeing the world around you is beginning to jell that takes with utmost seriousness what is going on below the surface layers of your personality. There are vast and yeasty realms to conquer that are not at all the subject matter of your most reliable public persona, and yet might nevertheless become related to it. You seek a mission statement that acknowledges outer world success, and that also corresponds to the dictates of soul-level commitments. These are dimly perceived by means of conscious thought, and only fully elaborated by means of a deep intuitional process to which you are only now starting to become attuned.

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