Libra Horoscope for October 2016

Posted on September 30, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another very interesting and powerful time for you, Libra. You are in an entirely expansive place this month, thanks to the very recent New Moon in your sign, conjunct Jupiter, a fortunate configuration that reverberates through your cosmic atmosphere as October gets underway, a gift that continues to give. This largely positive yet also somewhat difficult lunation cycle also presents issues of interpersonal connection for you to face and to surmount, with both the terror and the indescribable beauty of the fraught human condition on display across the subjective screen of your inner landscape. This is indeed for you a highly mystical and intuitive period, as you proceed toward areas of service to others, coming from a true sense of compassion. You are enjoying the fun of being yourself and becoming more so, which does go so much better when you willingly allow surprising events that move you, and also change you.

As the month begins, you are still feeling the burst of energy represented by an extremely positive New Moon in your sign from Friday, September 30th, just one day before the month officially commenced. This is aimed right at you, in a good way, with expansive Jupiter early in your sign and conjunct the Sun and Moon. This brings optimism and a floodlight of focus on your natural abilities as being affable in your presentation and even-handed in your treatment of others around you. Following upon the relatively quiet time of the previous month of Mercury in retrograde, you are dancing outwardly with a graceful presence and might be seen as quite the raconteur and social standout.

Hidden behind the light-filled gaiety of this placement, the dark side of this lunation cycle is also present. This is represented in the astrological symbolism by a highlighted position of transformative Pluto, in your sector of home, family dynamics and your psychological roots. There is also Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your sector of daily affairs and health regimens, also service orientation, in powerful connection with Mercury in your sector of unconscious process and inner work. As far as Pluto goes, this is an influence that has been present for several years now, at one level or another, and this month serves to strengthen your understanding that fundamental changes are indeed taking place deep within you.

In concrete terms, it might be that relations with tribe or family members are subject to some unexpected shifts, or that poignant issues stemming from your family of origin come up for you, as this month continues to unfold. This latter possibility is consistent with a highlighted presence of Chiron, stimulated by Mercury both last month and in this current context. You are gaining in awareness all the time of the places inside you that feel out of alignment with your peaceful nature, representing pain from past events, likely from the time of early childhood. One of the great tasks of life is to come to terms with the residue of unresolved prior trauma that still has the power to trip you up in your current arc of development. You gain tremendously and grow internally by paying the closest possible attention to any reactivity of yours that comes up over this current monthly period, attempting to witness its origin deep inside you.

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