Pisces Horoscope for September 2016

Posted on August 29, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of relationship emphasis, Pisces, and yet also of self-study. It may be that you will find new inspiration for the key partnerships of your life, whether friendship, business or romantic. In a month of introspection you are analyzing these with an intention for discovering the true meaning, for you, of partnership in general, and how this enhances your understanding of yourself. This month also presents you with a distinct focus on outer world achievement. You are looking more closely into how to define what you are looking for in this area, and where to put your energy for maximum results. In the course of your extended weeks-long mediation, you could find that what matters most to you right now has very little to do with existing job requirements or even consensus thinking, but is rather more greatly centered on what counts as the measure of true accomplishment, in your own eyes.

As the month begins, you are feeling the shift in energy represented by the very powerful New Moon and Solar Eclipse centered in your opposite sign, representing committed partnership of all kinds. Your co-ruler, Jupiter, is also highlighted in this same area of your chart, and in close conjunction with Mercury there as well, in retrograde motion. This implies that you will be doing a great deal of thinking, throughout the thirty-day cycle of this potent Virgo lunation, concerning the impact of relationship on your life, and on the direction that you are taking out in the world around you. Mercury Retrograde periods are terrific for reviewing, revising, and renewing, and not so good for launching new projects or departures from existing plans. This applies to various areas, and most especially to important relationships, or the potential for relationship in your life.

Another major factor for you this month concerns outer world accomplishments as related to career or any other form of concrete exteriorization of your values. This is well-symbolized by the continuing presence of achievement-oriented Saturn in your tenth sector, very much highlighted now because strongly aspected by the Sun, Moon, and your ruler, Neptune, in the eclipse that kicks off the entire month. You are therefore making great strides now in your understanding of what it is that you are doing out in the world, and how that relates to inner needs. Another highlighted outer planet symbol, that of trickster Uranus in combination with the new planet, Eris, representing a Feminine Warrior energy, tells us that you are also concerned that your works must matter to others around you in a way that is consistent with your most deeply-felt desires and goals.

Thus, as you continue to mull over what you are truly up to regarding career-related issues, you are also more fully tuning in to what you have deep inside yourself, that only you can provide, and how to ultimately merge these inner priorities with the necessities of making a living. That way, what you produce and what you love are as one.