Virgo Horoscope for August 2016

Posted on July 27, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is month of self-reflection and change, Virgo. An interesting time for you has arrived with the entrance of your ruler, Mercury, into your sign for the next eight weeks or more, engendering a new phase to your summer season that will take you all the way to the end of September and beyond. You are attempting to more fully understand your inner nature, and the forces that have brought you to this moment in your life path, internal to you and otherwise. You are paradoxically charismatic and withdrawn, constrained by circumstances and swinging for the bleachers with impulsivity, practical to the extreme and yet fascinated by the lure of otherworldly realms. Everything is right there in front of you and yet remains unavailable to your five ordinary senses. It requires puzzling over and being logically deduced, that is if logic matters very much at all, during these mysterious days.

As the month begins, you are feeling the contrary pressures of the practical reality of outer events versus the pull to the inside that is represented by the New Moon of August 2nd, that takes place in your sector of interior process. You are experiencing a contrast between competing symbols of inner and outer, especially since the New Moon lands in close aspect to numinous Neptune, located in your opposite sign. This is the planetary archetype that echoes the symbolism of inner realms or the mystical side of this spectrum. Neptune is therefore correlated to your relationship sector, so that idealized or otherworldly perspectives can manifest through partners. Saturn, too, is located in an important sector of your chart associated with your psychological roots, and is a significant part of this impactful lunation.

Over the course of an exciting and challenging month, it is possible that you will encounter old patterns of relating that have to do with the undigested residue of early trauma. This is based on the highlighted presence of Chiron, archetype of the Wounded Healer, also located in your relationship sector and prominent for you this cycle. Things go better when you can confront the dark places inside you and acknowledge the presence of the hurt child within you that needs love and assurances that were perhaps not available in certain stressful experiences of former times.

The conflicted feelings associated with this, accompanied by Saturn and Neptune in collision, is one of being somewhat stuck in your current point of view, which wants to evolve and yet fears that it cannot, and yet you also have the impulse to wander freely in the relatively uncharted territory of your own inner world. As a responsible citizen of your universe you feel constrained to act in the spirit of what the consensus has to offer, and you also feel yourself more and more to be guided by values that are wholly your own. You can make the best of this by amalgamating groundedness and reality testing into this interior mythology working itself out in your life.