Sagittarius Horoscope for July 2016

Posted on June 29, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of intensity, Sagittarius, that is yet under your own control. You are consolidating gains from previous weeks, making progress of mostly an internal kind. Deciding on your actual goals is half the battle, and they might in fact have nothing to do with finances or profession, and more with your own attitude toward worldly success. Career-wise, you are in an amazing place of good fortune, and are taking on the accompanying responsibility with — if not glee — then at least a sense of fitting commitment. You have as well a yearning for freedom of expression that cannot be denied, even though it has to operate within the constraints of physical life. You are all about discovering what lies below the surface of your conscious awareness. Progress in this arena might give you all the freedom that you need without ever leaving home.

As the month begins, corresponding to the presence of the Moon in your opposite sign, you are filled with emotional awareness regarding the effect of significant partners on your life, and as well on your own process of growth. There is also to consider the recent station of Mars from the very end of June, taking place in your sector of unconscious process. You may well have felt this as a shift in awareness, regarding what is going on for you beneath the surface layers of your personality. Your sense is stronger than ever of finding what it is that you hold inside, and that you most fervently desire. This contains the clue to determining what you truly aspire to, beyond the ordinary preoccupations of professional stature or putting bread on the table.

All this is leading up to the powerful New Moon of Monday, July 4th, that takes place in your intimacy sector, which also has to do with getting to better know yourself in the dark places deep within your psyche. Over the course of an active month of internal investigation there could be old woundings that further come to light, stemming from the time of early childhood. You are very involved with matters of both inner and outer concerns, mediating between responsibility toward the one or the other side of life, in keeping with another important factor in this monthly cycle for you, namely the strong square between Neptune and Saturn in key sectors of your chart. You are tied to the constraints of the physical plane and not really trying to run away, but only to the extent that your inner process is taken completely seriously into account.