Taurus Horoscope for June 2016

Posted on May 27, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a really big month for you Taurus, and it builds upon the one just past. You have been through the wringer, to some extent at least, and are now rearranging your mind to take in and make the most use out of all the new information that has come your way in recent weeks. This could be a time of difficulty to the extent that you try to force outcomes to go your way, so that it might be better to watch and wait, seeing your changes through to the ultimate long-term outcome. In this timing it is important to pay the closest possible attention to everything that happens through you and to you, and to look to the highest. Your values are refreshed and you might be surprised to find how little they have to do, after all, with the merely material side of life.

As the month begins, you are recognizing that you have lately gone through something of a renewal of what you hold dear, and your beliefs, that grant you a point of view on your life direction and style of creativity. Mercury has been retrograding through your sign, all last month, having retuned to direct motion in the timing of the recent Full Moon in your sector of intimacy and deep soul connection. Mercury is slowly making its way back to the place in the zodiac where it began, completing this transition by June 7th. You are therefore ripe for new ways of seeing the world around you.

You possess a sense of profound intuition that is valuable to you now, and that guides your steps into a non-material direction without your even having to ask, although it might help, in moments of uncertainty, if you were to do just that. You are celebrating the spiritual in all that you do now, and it is important to request that the universe provide you with the highest way to regard the material that you are attempting to absorb. The potential stress of this spring and early summer can be avoided by taking a determined stand to above all be true to yourself, and to your process.