Capricorn Horoscope for April 2016

Posted on April 1, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a time of rapid-fire change and yet also stillness, Capricorn. Your very self-definition is shifting in an unknown way, as indicated by the highlighted presence of transformative Pluto in your sign, and also by the changeable archetype of Uranus in your sector of root psychological stability. These planetary energies have been located in these same sectors for many months now, but the pace of change is getting quicker and the pressure is mounting for something in your life to dramatically alter, especially if you have tended to ignore earlier and subtler cosmic messages. And yet, the double-retrograde this month of your ruler, Saturn, along with feisty Mars, means that your activities are slowing down, and going internal. This takes place in your sector of unconscious process, so that by this means, you are better able to get a read-out of what is going on beneath the surface layers of your suddenly quite complex personality.

As the month begins, you are very aware of your hidden depths, and of changes going on at the root of your personality, stemming from the recent Full Moon of one week past, that took place in your sector of your public statement with the Sun opposed, at the nadir of your solar chart, in the area corresponding to concerns of home and family. The very beginning of the current month finds Mercury there is close conjunction with Uranus, trickster lord of surprise events and startling revelations. After the first week, the New Moon in this same area almost exactly conjuncts Uranus. There is therefore a generalized instability in your life right now, albeit an entirely creative one. You are encouraged to abandon habitual patterns of family connection, striking out for new territory, as off-putting as this might be. It is certainly true that this feels very scary, when changing implies leaving behind familiar runs that, while they may have been in some ways problematic, at least had the comfortable feeling of an old shoe; you never have to think about how it is fitting.

Your ruler, Saturn, has also turned to retrograde motion, in your twelfth solar sector of dream imagination and inner work. Quite soon, mid-month, Mars will follow in this same sector of your solar chart. Pluto is closely aspected by both of these planetary energies, and is also about to station in your sign. With Pluto so powerfully placed, you are feeling the evolutionary pressure to utterly transform. The outward-bound activity normally associated with Mars is changing this month, and so are you. The direction is toward the deep inward dimension of your psyche, beyond and below the level of your conscious mind. The universe is whispering in your ear, softly urging changes. You win when you accept and allow things to happen to you, and you run into difficulties to the extent that you resist the call.