Posted on April 1, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is another month of serious inner exploration, Virgo, although your situation is not at all dire. You are enjoying your time on planet Earth quite well, lately, even as you struggle to redefine yourself in the face of increasing awareness of your own dark places. The urge to dig deep and to make yourself over is very strong within you, and you will find a great deal of enlightenment by simply staying centered and taking in the information that you find deep within you. The light of awareness slowly dawns, with patience and with studied effort. You are changing in the way that you externalize your productive efforts, and how you represent yourself to the world around you, over the course of this climactic year of change. This is in large part because your idea of who you are, as an individual and in relationship, is radically transforming.
As the month begins, you are fired up with an unusual sense of innovation that takes increased consciousness and internal (as well as external) connection as its most important product. You are riding the wave from the recent set of eclipses that strongly hit your chart, and which highlighted the dynamics of relationship in your life. As you are coming to more fully understand, these include both ideals and illusions, also what you hope to get out of significant partnership, and what you give, plus how you maintain your independence while still exploring a sense of merger into oneness.
The current month presents you with an interesting amalgam of thought and feeling, as you navigate these tricky waters of interpersonal connection. This year has represented a vital time of discovery and depth research into what transpires for you below the level of conscious awareness. You cannot entirely think your way through the complex and thorny issues that are thus exposed to your more conscious gaze, nor will making lists and methodically checking the items off be very much help; your progress instead depends on giving up a degree of control, allowing your emotional awareness to more fully blossom.