Aquarius Horoscope for March 2016

Posted on February 28, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is the first month of the rest of your life, Aquarius. You are in the midst of a powerful resurgence of values and learning that will carry you forward through to the remaining months of this pivotal year. This is of course a continuation of where you already are, in your steep pathway of development that has continued from 2012 onward, and yet in many ways a new departure. Your transformation involves the way you see into your depths, and how you communicate about it. You are going all out for unfamiliar ramifications of self, independent of what consensus outlooks might have to say. You are also taking in the point of view of a trusted few, those that align in certain distinct ways to your own. This makes of your growth adventure a rich amalgam, when you allow this in, of joint perspectives.

As the month begins, you are feeling into the deep and rather unconscious places within you, and also sensing a stronger commitment to a planned and responsible future course beginning to emerge, one that takes your own inner values as predominant over any outer concerns, these including financial limits, or the strictures of consensus thinking. As you reflect on where you are going with your life, and why, you may be tempted to a brand of spiritual or fanciful escapism, or else to a studied commitment to the strong sense that you and only you are capable of charting the best road for your steps to follow.

The last three weeks of the month take on a different character from the first, because they follow the extremely powerful solar eclipse and New Moon in a key area of your solar chart, and in aspect to Uranus and Saturn, the co-rulers of your sign. This signals a change in your energy in favor of intuitional awareness and unexpected leaps in learning. In this significant timing, you will want to pay close attention to everything that happens to you, and to whatever ideas come to you as well. Important persons in your life have much to contribute to your own arc of development and change, especially over this latter part of the month. You are making great strides toward seizing the reins of your own power, independent of, and yet also in constructive collusion with other voices.