Libra Horoscope for March 2016

Posted on February 28, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Your changes are still in process, Libra, with not all the returns being in; you have the excellent chance this month to make adjustments to your approach, and thus to the eventual outcomes. The investigation of your inner world is totally up for you now. The topic of your explorations over the first half of March will relate more to your individual journey, with unexpected inputs from trusted persons in your life, that help to guide you, while the last half, punctuated by a lunar eclipse in your sign, will be the stronger experience, and filled with consequences applying to the very concept of relationship for you. This entire period is filled with intimations of what your higher self has to offer regarding your journey into the discovery of a greater sense of meaning and life purpose.

As the month begins, with something of a bang, you are feeling the heat of an extremely close aspect between your ruler, Venus, and the potent transformational energies of a highlighted presence of Pluto, residing in an important sector of your solar chart that symbolizes concerns of home and family. Your psychological home base, your physical dwelling, and what counts for you with family has been a changing landscape over these past few years, and is still evolving. Becoming better acquainted with your inner world will have a definite bearing on the issues that you are attempting to deal with, over the past year or more, and in this current month. This is an incredibly strong monthly cycle opening up for you now, that brings rich rewards to the extent that you can open to its dark message.

The highlighted presence of Jupiter, located in your sector of unconscious process, and especially strong, particularly at the time of the solar eclipse that begins the second week of the month, serves you as a guiding presence taking you further into the hidden parts of your psyche that lie behind and beyond the surface layers of your personality. This sense of inner exploration may intensify over the remainder of the month, leading up to the lunar eclipse of the 23rd.You win when you simply accept what comes to you in this way, without judgment or logic, not trying to understand, but simply to observe.